A protester was in critical condition Friday after setting themself on fire outside the Israeli consulate in Atlanta, authorities said. A security guard who tried to intervene was also injured.

A Palestinian flag found at the scene was part of the protest, Atlanta Police Chief Darin Schierbaum said at a news conference.

He added that investigators did not believe there was any connection to terrorism and none of the consular staff was ever in danger.

“We do not see any threat here,” he said. “We believe it was an act of extreme political protest that occurred.”

  • NightAuthor@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    If they Jews want me to hate the Jews, then as someone with no problem with Jewish people, I guess the polite thing to do is to hate the Jews.

    Edit: but apparently it’s not the Jews pushing this, but specifically Zionists. In which case the above conditional is rendered moot.

    • Flying Squid@lemmy.world
      7 months ago

      Maybe it’s because I am a Jew, but I would say that the polite thing to do would be to tell them to fuck off with their bullshit claims of antisemitism.

      For fuck’s sake, no one sets themselves on fire in the name of bigotry.

      • kurwa@lemmy.world
        7 months ago

        I feel like any Jew who calls any of these sorts of actions, any anti Zionist protests, anti-Semitic, is at worst a fake Jew and at best a disappointment for Jews. Because how do you support zionists, this ethnic cleansing, after Jewish people had to go through the Holocaust? The amount of mental gymnastics you have to go through to not see the equivalence between this and what Nazi Germany did is insane.

    • jimmydoreisalefty@lemmy.world
      7 months ago

      edit: removed sentence to stick to point

      I would suggest to restrain from hating groups, even if some act in a way you don’t agree with.

      Reminds me of what Yanis said:

      but let me say something about power racism and i will add patriarchy i don’t believe that we have the answers

      to these things in my in you know this is a novel and in it i try to make it absolutely clear

      that i do not believe that my side of politics even my very

      quaint version of socialism even if we manage to sort out all the problems with corporations with the power of capital

      to exploit to reproduce itself and so on that we can deal with patriarchy

      or racism discrimination runs very deeply in our societies and you know we can reduce the toxicity

      which always breeds more racism and more xenophobia and more sexism

      but i’m pessimistic about human nature we

      really need i you know i look into myself and i find a nazi living in me a racist living in me a sexist living in me

      i constantly have battles with me with myself and anybody who tells me that you’re not like that you’re lying

      we are all like this we all have a dark side and we all need to fight constantly against it

      Time stamp: 1:20:36

      Can we Fix Capitalism? Yanis Varoufakis vs Gillian TettIntelligence Squared


    • queermunist she/her@lemmy.ml
      7 months ago

      Please don’t.

      They do want you to hate Jews, Zionism is fundamentally a project about promoting antisemitism around the world to force Jews to flee to Israel. You playing into that strategy is exactly what they want.

      • NightAuthor@lemmy.world
        7 months ago

        Well, if it’s zionists wanting me to hate all Jews, then I guess I’ll have to continue being neutral to Jews, and hating zionists.

        Not that I really have the energy or concentration needed to hate something for more than the instant it triggers me.

      • NightAuthor@lemmy.world
        7 months ago

        You dare me… wow

        See, I find it hard to explain politely how the context (comment I replied to) changed after I made my comment, and that without said context my comment looks completely different… because you’re such a fucking asshat.