Like, I travel around for work and I’ve met plenty of people from all backgrounds.

Why is there a demographic of people who don’t seemingly bathe regularly, or at the very least wear something to cover up their BO? I could understand if it’s an allergy, or even religious reasons (though the people I’ve met that smell bad are usually you’re average American young adult man) but recently (like in the past week, recently) I’ve met a concerning number of people who don’t seem to wear any kind of deodorant or possibly don’t even bathe regularly; it’s starting to become an issue for me, as I don’t even want to interact with them when I can smell them walking up from 3+ feet away yet I need to for work.

Does anyone have any possible insight?

    11 months ago

    Bingo. Why did I begin to stink when I hit puberty even though I showered twice daily and lived in a temperate climate? This person makes it sound like no one would stink if they simply never start using deodorant, when the reality is that people start using deodorant because they realize that they stink without it. For centuries, people around the world have used perfumes to cover their BO before (and after) deodorant became available. Why would they need this if they simply don’t use deodorant?

    I also know a woman who swears that you never actually need to wash your hair. Your head will stop producing as much oil and you’ll naturally have beautiful hair. She is a lovely, smart, confident, and attractive woman, but her hair is greasy and stringy AF.

      11 months ago

      The beauty is that it’s a closed epistemological system, like a religion.

      If someone smells when not using deodorant it’s because of the original sin of having used deodorant! They need to be cleansed with iodine baptism in order to receive the graces of the blessed bacteria.

      That way you can always rationalize away smelly people you meet and not worry about your own odor.