• Paragone@lemmy.world
    10 months ago


    IF education doesn’t educate people on something that people NEED to understand,

    THEN the population doesn’t understand what they need to understand.

    This is simply “education” masquerading as education, is all.

    Nothing new.

    As https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Taylor_Gatto TRIED getting people to understand, the “education system” in North America was paid-for by the coal industry in order to prevent autonomous competence, … and once you institute a system, it tends to remain essentially-the-same, in its heart, no matter how much you change its makeup/lipstick/appearance.

    ~ an autonomously-valid kid isn’t dependent on institutionally-bestowed “validtation”.

    That is, for institutions, an Unacceptable Problem.

    Broken, insecure kids, however, are manipulable, and therefore dependent on bestowed “validation”, and that is REQUIRED by the institutions. ~

    is one of his many points.

    “Education” is much more profoundly-wrong, in its orientation, its organization, its frame-of-reference, etc, than it’ll tolerate people to know.

    A school administrator told me years-ago that ~ when the law came in to permit parents to see ALL of the children’s files, because we’d been having secrets on 'em, we just segregated them into the “legal” files & the Dirt Files. ~

    Psychologist Susan Pinker laments the systematic failure of education for boys, in her book “The Sexual Paradox”.

    The book “The Heretic’s Guide to Best Practices” identifies that the teacher-lobby will NEVER tolerate any change that would undermine Teacher Importance, no matter how good it would be for the learners/students.

    Read John Taylor Gatto’s stuff. Education needs to be restructured, right from the very-bottom, to the very-top. Completely. Bandaids-on-broken-bones hides nothing, & never has.

    ( I’m saying this as a guy who quit trying to get his grade-11, after 5 attempts, many many years ago, because of the intellectual-dishonesty of the “education”.

    IF you show me evidence that an electron microscope can do 7-million magnification, and you have a handout that says it can only do 1-million, and THEN you dock my test-score for putting 7-million as the magnification of the things, you can go eat rocks.

    And yes, I know that scanning/tunneling electron microscopes are waaaay higher in resolution than a mere 7-million magnification.

    We autistics have NO tolerance for intellectual-dishonesty-that-is-“right”-because-established-authority.

    Fuck institutional gaslighting. )

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