Finally got round to seeing Guardians 3… What a waste of 2 1/2 hours that was. I enjoyed the first 2, but 3 was just terrible. The “story” is awful. Numerous, cheesy, cliché bits thrown together here and there. Nothing interesting or very cohesive. Nothing ever had a sense of consequence.

Even the soundtrack couldn’t quite save it (though was easily the best part).

“Written and Directed by James Gunn”.

Good luck DC, you’re gonna need it.

    11 months ago

    So, qualitatively it was the worst of the series.

    But I liked it, only because I like rocket and he finally had his story.

    Gog1 was the origin, gog2 was all “starlord”, but 3 had a better mix. Less gamora, who isn’t really an interesting character usually, less starlord, who’s basically just a self-centered idiot usually. Nebula got to do stuff, mantis really expanded, and rocket made sense.

    The Marvel movies often focus on a few main characters when the supporting cast are actually more interesting, this was giving them that chance to shine.