When films are adapted from books, more often than not, I tend to find the books a lot more enjoyable. So I have skipped watching a lot of films in the hope of reading the books later.
So what are some great films not adapted from books? Or what are some films that are significantly better than the book they were adapted from?
Fight Club. I’ve read the book, the film was … different and better in some ways. Very much not a disappointment.
Sunshine. This might be my favourite movie. It’s excellent. Space done right. Not from a book.
Fightclub is a movie that’s adapted from a book. OP asked for movies like your second answer. Guess that’s why you’re being downvotedObviously I misread
Hang on, in the last paragraph OP says if you know of a movie that is better than the original source book/comic, then it qualifies as a suggestion