Dave Chappelle has released a new Netflix special, The Dreamer, which is full of jokes about the trans community and disabled people.

“I love punching down!” he tells the audience, in a one-hour show that landed on the streaming service today (31 December).

It’s his seventh special for Netflix and comes two years after his last one, the highly controversial release The Closer.

That programme was criticised for its relentless jokes about the trans community, and Chappelle revisits the topic in his new show.

He tells jokes about trans women in prison, and about trans people “pretending” to be somebody they are not.

  • galloFino@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    He’s got a really niche audience. People who think they’re all cool just for being “politically incorrect.” Like other comedians in the american scene.

    I used to like his comedy – great storyteller and all. But lately, it’s like his specials follow this routine: some jokes on how racism’s still an issue, mixed with a bit of him claiming he’s the top comedian alive. And let’s not forget the bits where he suggests making fun of people’s choices is all in good fun.

    The crowd at these specials? Feels like a bunch of yes men, laughing and clapping at every word from Chappelle. It makes watching his stuff on Netflix a bit of a struggle for me.

    Don’t get me wrong, the guy’s talented. Awesome timing and storytelling. But nowadays, being a badass doesn’t mean being a bully, and it seems like that shift bugs him and his entourage of yes men. That’s probably why his specials come off a bit too harsh, at least in my book.

    • Son_of_dad@lemmy.world
      6 months ago

      It’s crazy to me that he bitches about racism still being an issue, while he spreads hate and bigotry on another minority group.

      • galloFino@lemmy.world
        6 months ago

        He is right about racism, and it’s fine if his cause involves fighting it. But you’re right, bigotry and hate on others is BAD.