President Biden on Friday delivered a ferocious condemnation of Donald J. Trump, his likely 2024 opponent, warning in searing language that the former president had directed an insurrection and would aim to undo the nation’s bedrock democracy if he returned to power.

On the eve of the third anniversary of the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol by Mr. Trump’s supporters, Mr. Biden framed the coming election as a choice between a candidate devoted to upholding America’s centuries-old ideals and a chaos agent willing to discard them for his personal benefit.

“There’s no confusion about who Trump is or what he intends to do,” Mr. Biden warned in a speech at a community college not far from Valley Forge in Pennsylvania, where George Washington commanded troops during the Revolutionary War. Exhorting supporters to prepare to vote this fall, he said: “We all know who Donald Trump is. The question is: Who are we?”

In an intensely personal address that at one point nearly led Mr. Biden to curse Mr. Trump by name, the president compared his rival to foreign autocrats who rule by fiat and lies. He said Mr. Trump had failed the basic test of American leaders, to trust the people to choose their elected officials and abide by their decisions.

“We must be clear,” Mr. Biden said. “Democracy is on the ballot. Your freedom is on the ballot.”


    9 months ago

    “We all know who Donald Trump is. The question is: Who are we?”

    I posted the following elsewhere, just before I read that he said this, as I was thinking about a quote I heard earlier from DL Hughley regarding Trump’s election:

    “America saw exactly who it was last night… Exactly who we are,” Hughley said. “I think Obama was what we aspire to be, Trump and his supporters are who we are.”

    The Democrats’ problem is that they don’t address who we are. They offer only aspirations. Who are we (beyond the racists and fascists Trump and his supporters represent)? Broke. Sick. Overworked. Exploited. Isolated. Scared. He wants us to vote based on hope that we can push back fascism. Hope that we can win our rights back. He wants us to vote based on some dream of democracy I can’t say I’ve ever witnessed in my lifetime. Give me someone to vote for who’s going to meet us where we are.

      9 months ago

      Obama was practically the platonic ideal of the perfect neoliberal president. He said all the right words, checked all the right boxes, and effortlessly combined warmth and charm with an air of stern authority. He was, in all likelihood, the best neoliberal president we will ever get. Neoliberalism is clearly not enough.

      It’s time for the Democratic party to stop pretending they can serve the elites while paying lip service to the proles. In a rational world, the proles would have no option. Democrats are not their friends, but they will never be as bad as Republicans. But it’s not a rational world, and fascism thrives with the disaffected masses. When faced with the choice between “bad” and “worse”, “worse” is far more attractive than it should be.

        9 months ago

        It’s crazy to me that people actually consider it a choice.

        Take everything that you dislike about Biden and then apply it all to Trump and then add on fascism and destruction of democracy on top of it.

        There’s nothing to gain there, would Trump do any better with Israel? Hell no. We all know where he stands, in any way he can personally benefit from it at the cost of literally anyone else he will.

          9 months ago

          There’s nothing to gain there

          I imagine most wager earners couldn’t care less about Israel, and it’s silly to me to pretend that that is the important issue here. Most Americans are seeing their money losing value thanks to runaway inflation, working multiple jobs. or dealing with skyrocketing energy and grocery bills. The scarcity of housing is accelerating as well.

          Yes, Trump won’t do anything to fix those issues either, but he doens’t have to. He just has to point out Biden’s shitty record and cast himself as the candidate of change, the same way he did in 2016.

          People aren’t going to care that he’s a fascist.

          9 months ago

          Disenfranchised people don’t value the current system. People in general tend to be extremely myopic. Trump was a molotov cocktail thrown at the current system. The Democrats foisting Biden on the country was a clear response of “we don’t hear you”.

      9 months ago

      “I think Obama was what we aspire to be”

      People give Obama way too much credit, but that’s how far great oratory skills will get you as president. He ruled as a conservative and was solidly in the corner of the billionaires, just like every president since Reagan.

        9 months ago

        This. Common folk haven’t had a president since Carter, and that didn’t go well. Ruling class is called that for a reason. We need more anti-corporatism (aka Boston Tea Party).