Human rights across the world are in a parlous state as leaders shun their obligations to uphold international law, according to the annual report of Human Rights Watch (HRW).

In its 2024 world report, HRW warns grimly of escalating human rights crises around the globe, with wartime atrocities increasing, suppression of human rights defenders on the rise, and universal human rights principles and laws being attacked and undermined by governments.

The report highlights political leaders’ increasing disregard for international human rights laws. The report says “selective government outrage and transactional diplomacy” and double standards in recognising international human rights laws has put countless lives at risk.

Tirana Hassan, executive director of HRW, said: “There is a persistent assault on human rights spreading around the world as governments turn away from their legal obligations on human rights for short-term political gains and seek to consolidate power.


    9 months ago

    But the reality is that it will come to a binary choice as always, and any semi-rational american voter has to choose either to not vote or to vote between the two choices, and it is not even debatable which choice is worse in this case.