let’s gooo

  • Kentifer@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    Should probably give South Africa’s case a read as well. 84 pages of facts that are pretty damning for Israel that were convincing enough for these judges. Maybe your bias presented you from believing the facts before your eyes?

      • Kentifer@lemmy.world
        8 months ago

        Yeah, like I said. Try it again with the understanding that you’re point of view is not one held by experts who reviewed the same material. See if that changes anything.

        • I am an expert who has reviewed the material and there are many experts who also agree with me.

          The countries with experts who agree with you: Iran, Iraq, Syria, Malaysia, Qatar, North Korea, Russia, Brazil, Algeria, and a few others I’m not remembering right now.

          Here are the countries with experts who agree with me: USA, UK, the EU, NATO, France, Germany, Australia, Norway, Poland, and Canada.

          You are siding with Iran over Canada. Does that change anything for you?