“Kenny just began to gasp for air repeatedly and the execution took about 25 minutes total.”

Pretty compassionate way to kill a person.

Once again, the Law in the south is brutal.

  • SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca
    8 months ago

    Marxists believe in a destiny where there’s a complete failure of society. Late-stage capitalism and all that. There will be a great revolution, lots of people will die. Doomsday. It’s inevitable. It’s destined to happen.

    But much like revelations, there will be a judgment day, but instead of Jesus there will a dictatorship of the proletariat. But that will fade away. Like a rapture or something like that. And then we will have heaven on earth, a worker’s paradise for all eternity. It has been prophesized by some weirdo with a big beard 200 years ago. It was written, so it shall be!

    Soviet Union? That doesn’t count! The stars weren’t aligned properly and they were doing too much farming and not enough factory work. Well they did have factories, but things happened in the incorrect order. The prophecy from the man with the big beard specified the exact order things would happen in and the Soviet Union didn’t follow that order precisely! It doesn’t count!

    The prophecy of the man with the big beard will happen any day now! We’ve seen the signs. LATE. STAGE. CAPITALISM. Our destiny is upon us!

    Any day now!

    Marxism LOL.

    • queermunist she/her@lemmy.ml
      8 months ago

      Ever heard the phrase “Socialism or Barbarism”? Marxists don’t believe socialism is an inevitable result of the end of capitalism. Socialism has to be built, the entire theory of Marxism is that we observe the history of the world (i.e. the history of class struggle) and, rather than waiting around for history to happen on its own, we intelligently act on historical forces and cultivate a better world we want to live in.

      If we just wait around for capitalism to collapse on its own, i.e. wait for what comes after late stage capitalism, we might all die.

      Capitalism could very well collapse into a post-apocalyptic hell where a few million survivors huddle around the poles to survive.

      Or just a nuclear war and total human extinction. Or a fascist Mars colony where only the elite are allowed to escape Earth. Etc.

      • SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca
        8 months ago

        Yes, I understand that you believe in an inevitable doomsday and it’s all based on some complicated system you’ve devised from reading the texts or whatever.

        But that’s what every doomsday cult says.

        Do the texts specify date for the end times? I like the doomsday cults that do that because when the date comes and goes it’s kinda funny. But I guess marxists don’t do that otherwise it would’ve died out a long time ago.

        Capitalism sucks but it outlasted the Soviet Union. Capitalism also outlasted a hell of a lot of college professors that believed in it. Most people just grow out of it when they realize how silly the whole thing is. Others grow old thinking “any day now.”

        The reality is no one really knows where things are headed. People find it comforting to hear from people that act like they’re certain of the future. Even if the future they talk about is a doomsday. But it’s all bullshit, no one knows the future.

        • queermunist she/her@lemmy.ml
          8 months ago

          What we observe in capitalism is that it depletes resources as fast as possible in order to maximize profit. That’s obviously impossible on a finite planet, and that’s why we’re running into real limits because of climate change. “The texts” are just the scientific observations on when the ice caps and glaciers will be gone, when the fossil fuels will be too expensive to continue, when the rainforests will be gone, when the top soil will be depleted, when the oceans will acidify too much to support shellfish and corals, etc etc.

          Saying we can’t predict any of these things is unscientific. You’re like a mystified peasant that refuses to believe feudalism will ever end.

          Next you’ll say that some magical technology will solve all those problems and save us, and that is just blind faith in a cult of progress.