I’ve noticed in the Linux community whenever someone asks for a recommendation on a laptop that runs Linux the answer is always “Get a Thinkpad” yet Lenovo doesn’t seem to be a big Linux contributor or ally. There’s also at least six Linux/FOSS-oriented computer manufacturers now:

So what gives? Why the love for a primarily Windows-oriented laptop when there are better alternatives?

    • morhp@lemmy.wtf
      1 year ago

      It’s available, but they’re still US based and basically importing it, you don’t have proper EU customer protection or EU warranty* for example. I wouldn’t buy it just because of that.

      * They give 2 years of warranty for their EU customers, but not EU wide as would be required if actually selling from the EU. You also have basically no chance to sue then or otherwise demand anything if they for some reason ignore your warranty claim.

    • smoothbrain coldtakes@lemmy.ca
      1 year ago

      Yeah but it’s incredibly expensive for the gimmick of upgradability down the line. It’s like buying a maxed out MacBook Pro worth of disassembled components, bringing your own RAM, SSD and OS. As much as I want repairable, upgradable, holy grail laptops, they are way to expensive for the average consumer right now. A 16 without RAM/SSD/OS comes out to like 3k CAD – including everything with assembly, it comes out to over 3.5k.