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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023

  • Gnome is great because of the large UI size. Like my 14" notebook has a roughly 2800x1600 screen resolution and it’s still pretty usable without any UI scaling. If the bars are an inch tall, you’re either using a huge TV or a screen from the garbage dump. Gnome really needs a modern system.

  • For modeling I like Freecad and Blender. Blender is more for general modelling and sculpting, Freecad is more for cad/constraint based creation of precise 3d models. So use blender if you want to create little soldiers or elephants or other more organic stuff, and use Freecad if you want to print a replica of a plastic part or an enclosure or something like that.

    There should be tons of slicers available on Linux.

  • Als Ersatz für Sahne geht ganz gut eine Bechamel Soße auf Basis von Gemüsebrühe (und wer mag ggf Sojamilch oder Kokosmilch, aber das würde ich dann mehr als eigenständiges Produkt sehen und nicht als Milchersatz). Oder halt je andere Soße, z.b. Tomatenpüree. Oder eben ohne Soße. Wenn man das Gemüse usw. vorher anbrät wird das schön weich und man braucht nicht unbedingt eine Soße um das dann nochmal darin zu kochen.

    Als Ersatz für Käse kann man gut Semmelbrösel mit etwas Öl oder Margarine oder anderem fett drüber streuen (plus ggf Gewürze). Das wird knusprig und auch lecker. Alternativ kann man statt Semmelbrösel auch einfach Mehl nehmen und aus Mehl, Fett, Salz und Gewürzen einen herzhaften"Streuselteig" wie beim Kuchen backen machen. Wird auch knusprig und lecker.

  • I’m not saying that support is lacking, all I’m saying is that you have to have complete trust in a company on the other side of the globe, because all the warranties and promises they give you are completely based on their good will. If they decide to stop supporting you for whatever reason, you pretty much have no leverage.

    I live in Germany near the Netherlands border. Moving between countries is very common here because of different living costs and job opportunities and losing support because you move a few km west or east is not acceptable in my opinion.

  • However with Framework you still need to be careful in Europe. It’s an US based company and if you have a defect or problem that Framework for some reason doesn’t resolve, good luck trying to enforce your EU customer protection or suing them in the US.

    Framework is also very strict regarding unsupported countries. If you move within the EU to a country that isn’t supported by Framework, you’ll have big problems with support in case you need help or parts or whatever.