The group of more than a dozen masked individuals marched wearing red shirts and black pants, waving flags with swastikas on them. It is not clear at this time who the group is or affiliated with, though many of the shirts said “Blood Tribe.”

    8 months ago

    Sure sure, I don’t want anyone anywhere to die of violence.

    But there are people out there who do, and some of them are nazis, and there is a nonzero statistical chance that me or my loved ones will be caught in some form of mass shooting or domestic terrorist act.

    So it is good to prepare, and point out the danger.

    And speaking to our politicians does nothing, they know the threat of white nationalism more than any of us.

    The only thing that changes the tragic trajectory of civil guerilla war we are chugging towards is for the right to publicly and viciously throw off the extremists that have taken over their party.

    We cannot do that, no amount of talking to our politicians will give them the 2/3rds majority needed to impeach and convict all the fucknuggets complicit in jan6.

    And I have literally no words to say to any repugnicunt to try and convince them to do it.

    Either they do it on their own, or at some point we will get an authoritarian that isn’t as stupid as drumpfh.