
  • Rentlar@lemmy.ca
    7 months ago

    How would you like it if I quoted biblical passages to portray you as a fascist conservative US ultrachrist?

    Go ahead, do that. Quote Bible passages, Quran passages, Buddhist, other religious texts and events anywhere to paint me as whatever you think my areligious-ass is.

    You will see that most have some passage like my example, that radical right-wing colonial fascists use to justify acts like genocide.

    Religion can be a force of good and you’re correct that the actions of Israel are not representative of Judaism as a whole. In fact, whether as a commandment from a holy figure, rules within a religious society to earn just reward, spiritual obligation or of role models portrayed in such texts, the principles of caring for others as you would yourself, acting compassionately to the weak, poor and underprivileged are core tenets of religions everywhere.

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    However, remember that the post is of a Semitic organization displaying opposition to genocide as an example of anti-Semitism, and I merely provide evidence that there are texts to back up that extremely harmful view.