I can imagine people having fun getting lost in the flow of playing a competitive sport. I’ve also heard some people experience a post-workout high. But does anyone actually feel pleasure in the moment while lifting weights, jogging, cycling, etc?

If so… what does it feel like? Is there anything the rest of us can do to cultivate such a mindset?

  • Gormadt@lemmy.ml
    1 year ago

    It’s kind of hard to describe really

    It’s like you’re lost in the movements, you’re caught in the flow, the strain is no longer a struggle, you just flow, you move and it moves.

    Your reps go on, your sets flow together, the down time ceases being a factor, you’re there.

    The presence of mind and body, you are there, you are now, you move.

    Numbers mean nothing but you know when the reps are done, the exercises flow together.

    Someone could call your name and you wouldn’t know it as it’s not in your mind.

    There’s only the movement, there’s only the flow.

    There is no you, there is no weights, there is no other, there is only movement and flow.

    And when it’s over you know it, yet feel like you could go a second time through the whole affair. And sometimes I do and then I feel Godly for the whole day and sometimes the next.

    And the sleep quality that night is beyond description.

    I’ve hit that state many times doing calisthenics (my typical workout), when out biking, and when out hiking. It’s always the same really.

    Hour long calisthenics routine? What’s a second hour really?

    20 mile bike ride? I could go another round, why not snag some dinner from that food cart I got lunch at?

    15 mile hike? Well tonight’s going to be even better with all the stars, what’s a second trip around the mountain?

    You don’t get there immediately, you won’t get there every time, but when you do it’s bliss.