It’s a significant reversal from recent history: President Joe Biden is struggling with young voters but performing better than most Democrats with older ones.

    3 months ago

    Democrat positions:

    • Tax increase for over 400k earners
    • Medicaid/care expansion
    • Food for school kids
    • Access to abortion
    • support for women’s health services
    • Stronger SEC
    • Clean energy (at least more than the other)
    • Student loan forgiveness
    • Separate church and state
    • DEI
    • Gun laws
    • Rights for animals
    • Eliminating cash bail
    • Programs for drug abuse
    • Programs for homeless
    • Trans healthcare services
    • Gay marriage
    • NATO
    • Large subsidies for rural broadband
    • Investment in infrastructure
    • Environmental protection
    • Help Ukraine get back it’s country
    • Unfortunately, bombs for Israel and no accountability
    • Some level of fealty to corporate world

    Republican positions:

    • Drill baby drill
    • No abortion
    • No access to contraception
    • Christian nation
    • No diversity or inclusion of minorities
    • Guns show at the school
    • Fuck the poor, shoulda pulled up bootstraps
    • Fuck the homeless, go to jail
    • Minorities are the problem
    • Free speech for hate
    • Gay conversion therapy
    • Back out of NATO
    • Fill the privatized prisons with the have-nots
    • Child labor/marriage
    • Privatize Medicare/SS
    • Remove social nets for the poor
    • Remove EPA
    • Tax system/market rules designed by private corp
    • Wipe Palestine off the map
    • Forfit Ukraine to Russia

    So how does that line up for ya both sides bullshit

    *Edit bullets for readability

      3 months ago

      Not saying dems don’t have a better agenda.

      (Though I do say they’re incapable or unwilling of doing enough for that agenda,)

      The reality is, however, the argument in lemmy comments is rarely this. It’s “Trump bad you dipshit trump supporter”.

      As for the aside up above… republicans are definitely winning the long game because democrats are not willing to pull the needle further left, just fight to keep it from going much further right.