The clash over bathroom policy and other elements of a federal regulation finalized last week could set the stage for another wave of legal battles over how transgender kids should be treated in the U.S.

    5 months ago

    My concern is for the safety of children using the bathroom. I don’t want someone to be beaten to death in a bathroom, for any reason (gender or otherwise). I think the problem starts with young people being allowed to use the bathroom areas as a place to hang out and talk with their friends, or as a place to arrange fights. That whole area between the sink and the stalls needs to go, in my opinion. People should be in public view as soon as they exit a stall. I know that might sound extreme, but it prevents some poor child from being cornered by a group of bullies and being beaten to death before a school staff member, or security guard, realizes what is happening in that room. I don’t want anyone’s child to be beaten to death. You can’t change everyone’s mind, but you can safeguard the bathrooms eliminating the isolation factor of the stalls.

      5 months ago

      It sounds like your concern is mainly around school bathrooms, which yes, fights are possible in bathrooms no matter which gender anyone involved is - but that negates the entire point and has nothing to do with gendered bathrooms. Your concern is a problem much higher than “what gender is allowed to use which bathroom” - bullying and fighting is a much more general problem and can also happen outside of the school, and even outside of school hours.

      Source: I was bullied, although never in a bathroom.

        5 months ago

        But the bullying and fighting is tied to the gender issue. Look at what happened to Nex Benedict. Also, consider what can happen if a small, feminine appearing male uses the men’s room when a group of larger, very masculine males are in the bathroom, too. Maybe nothing will happen to that person, and everyone will use the bathroom, leave, and go about their day. There’s also a chance that person could be bullied where teachers and school resource officers can’t see it occur. Better safe than sorry; especially when it means someone’s child could die at school. PEOPLE need a bathroom. People do not need a bathroom lounge for groups to congregate and bully others, regardless of the reason as to why they might bully others.

          5 months ago

          If it doesn’t matter which bathroom people use, wouldn’t such a person use the women’s restroom if they were worried about that? It’s not like bathrooms are suddenly going to have an even mix of genders using them. I’m a guy. I’m going to use the men’s restroom either way. That’s going to be the same for almost everyone.

          Also, if they want to fight someone for being trans, it’s going to happen regardless of the bathroom situation.

            5 months ago

            I agree with that last part, but the bathroom is the one place that isn’t patrolled and in public view. If schools had one stall bathrooms with the big steel door that closes behind it (like a classrooms have), then at least no one could be followed into the bathroom or ambushed there. That eliminates the need to label bathrooms by gender. Suddenly the bathroom is just a bathroom, just like faculty one stall bathrooms! Also, people with medical problems could have a little privacy on the toilet. Does anyone ever think of them?

              5 months ago

              That’s great, but does little for the current situation. Schools aren’t just going remodel bathrooms, or more, to accomplish this. I’m also saying that preventing them from using the bathroom of their choice changes nothing for bullying. They could just as easily just get ganged up on off school property where the school can’t do shit in the first place.