This will work out really well for them.

    5 months ago

    Yeah the Israelis are demolishing cities and killing innocents.

    Hummus attacked innocents and kidnapped CHILDREN.

    They could have turned around and released them the next day and said something like “ They got dragged along in the moment, we recognize that these children are innocent and would like to return them because we are fighting back against oppression, not children.” and I personally would have a shit ton more respect, they should have gave back the old people too, but at least they are adults.

    Israel’s response and previous action one are without justification, so is kidnapping toddlers.

    So yeah, both are bad.

              5 months ago

              Because it’s literally the only leverage they have? How hard is that to comprehend?

              Why won’t Israel release the thousands of hostages? Kids as young as 12, held with no trial for years on end in “administrative detention” in military prisons.

                5 months ago

                Ok. Israel is bad as well.

                How does that justify not handing over the kids for free to show that you don’t want kids involved.

                The adults are one thing, we can talk about how valid some of them are all day and still have more to talk about.

                There is absolutely no valid reason not to immediately remove the children from the horrors of war and hostage taking.

                Don’t give me any bullshit about how Israel does it too.

                Just because someone is law does something wrong doesn’t make it right for you to do so.

                So, I want you to explain to me how it is moral to involve children in this and why CHILDREN should not have been immediately released and why we had to bargain to get the CHILDREN.

                I give zero fucks about adults.

                I await your reply

                  5 months ago

                  Except that Hamas has released the children. As far as we know the only two children still captive are infants, you want them separated from their parents? That does not sound better. You’re more concerned about TWO infants than the literal tens of thousands of dead and wounded children.

                  Now you can stop with your concern trolling. You’re only goal here is both siding genocide and apartheid. The apartheid and ethnic cleansing has been ongoing for far longer than Hamas has been around and you know that. We’re you vehemently denouncing Israel and asking for the release of the thousands of Palestinian hostages before Oct 7th? I highly doubt it.

                    5 months ago

                    Why were they not released immediately?

                    Why did they have to be traded?

                    Fuck Hummus and Israel, they are child killing bastards who have decided that they are going to do what they want and damn the consequences to anyone in their way.

                    Fuck Hummus and israel for involving motherfucking children.

                    Fuck Hummus and Israel for kidnapping children.

                    Good enough for you?

                    My motherfucking comment history is clearly visible and will show how I damn well feel about the Israeli’s

                    Quit trying to act like Hummus are the good guys here.

                    There are no good guys on either side of this war and they all just need to fucking stop this bullshit killing and come to the fucking table like adults

      5 months ago

      Well, I’m not there, but if I was Hamas I would never kill any children.

      I saw another day some signs written “kidnapped” put by some Jewish people and first I thought “it’s Zionist propaganda”, but when I got near and I saw children I felt so so so sorry. I cannot Imagine any parent deserve this, be it Palestinian or Israeli.

      I cannot do anything bad to children.

      There’s an interview with Palestinians ok the street about what they think of the 7th October, and many seem to disagree on Hamas for hurting children: