Prosecutors said Thursday that Donald Trump again violated a gag order in his hush money trial, as the criminal case resumed on the same day that the U.S. Supreme Court weighed whether he should be immune from prosecution for actions taken during his time as president.

Judge Juan M. Merchan was already considering whether to hold Trump in contempt and fine him for what prosecutors say were 10 different violations of the order that barred the GOP leader from making public statements about witnesses, jurors and others connected to the case. Then the prosecution ticked off fresh instances of suspected breaches.

Assistant District Attorney Christopher Conroy pointed to additional remarks that Trump made about key prosecution witness Michael Cohen, Trump’s former attorney, when talking to reporters outside the courtroom and in other interviews. He also noted a comment Trump made about the jury being composed of “95 percent Democrats,” among other things.

    5 months ago

    He only cares if you actually stop him through force: take his money, his freedom, or his voice. Until then, he’ll destroy you and everything around him to get what he wants. This is one of the most caustic and dangerous people to exist in the world today because people protect him and follow in his wake of destruction to their own ends.

      5 months ago

      Yeah, the way the Biden administration drug their feet on prosecuting him and his supporters because they didn’t want to appear “partisan” really was an inexcusable dereliction of duty that needs to be discussed more if we manage to survive this year with a semi-functional democracy intact. Certain factions of the Democratic party have been excusing and normalizing criminal and traitorous actions by Republicans going back to the Vietnam war era because that’s a lot easier than ripping this corruption out root and branch, and that is directly responsible for the degradation we’ve seen from Nixon interfering in Vietnam peace talks, to Reagan interfering in Iranian hostage negotiations, to W stealing an election, and now most recently Trump trying to steal an election.