So I am a part of the LGBTQ community and work in a big city in middle europe. A lot of my coworkers are religios and have a foreign background. They are mostly very nationalist and homo-/transphobic. I hate them for their blind hate and bigotry, which wont change. I have realised, that I have become a bit bigotred towards people like them in the last few months, which is, even tho my biases often revealed to be true, just unfair to them. How could I stop that?

    1 year ago

    Its human nature to be racist look at our history. We made african americans do slavery before lincoln was in office. We still haven’t gotten over the whole racism as its still around on the internet no matter where you look could be jokes could be crimes it is just there. We as humans want to be more powerful than other humans hence the racism and bullying. However there will always be people who are against racism which happen to be the correct minded people. To be honest my brother makes racist jokes all the time but limits it to our private discord.

    The best thing to do is to hold in your thoughts dont be mean to people is all I have to say.

      1 year ago

      IMO racist jokes can be hilarious as long as it’s rooted in comedy and not actual hatred. They serve as a lense into the absurdity of it all, and nobody should be exempt - in an odd way they kind of educate us on the stereotypes that other people face.