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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023

  • I got my Sofle V2 in 2022 as a job change present for myself. I’ve since changed jobs again, but the Sofle V2 continues to be the keyboard I bring into office.

    For a long time I was just bringing it into work in the box it came in, but during the job change period, I bought some fabric, an Apple TV (gen 2) travel case and replaced the moulded foam with a fabric base. Had to do a fair bit of sewing but the result has been pretty great.

    It gets a lot of curious comments in the office, and I’ve gotten fairly proficient at Colemak DHm. I’m planning on upgrading the microcontrollers so I can enable tapdance soonish.

  • I think it’s definitely really early to say if they have proper romantic interest in you, given you’ve only known each other about a week? But from your post, it seems like you two have points in common and have a lot to chat about, which is often a good foundation for relationships, friendly and romantic.

    In terms of learning Linux, it’s probably ideal to have a bit more of an outline of what you want to start teaching her because it’s a huge jump into a new OS (not that I know much of myself). She may not know where to ask you to start and would appreciate more suggestions from you on where to begin, like telling her “Today, let me show you (practically) how to install (OS) on a system and navigate it” and going off that.

    I think the tl;dr would be: Have a Linux lesson plan, expect friendship first. Take it slow.

    Hope things go well.

  • I enjoy top down stealth games, and haven’t seen this game get discussed much, but it was pretty fun - Serial Cleaner (and sequel, Serial CleanerS)

    You play a guy who cleans up murder scenes for an unknown serial killer, all the while evading guards and other security measures. It’s a pretty fun experience, and I do recommend giving it a go if that’s your kind of thing.

    There’s also the Marvelous Miss Take, a game where you play a woman on a mission to perform a series of heists. Also a top down stealth game, you get to use some gadgets to distract guards while you sneak past and to your goal.

    Both are older indie games, but enjoyable for at least one playthrough.

  • Kind of depends which angle we approach it from. Someone does have to first purchase the game to get a DRM free copy to make (legal) copies to share. It’s not really stealing outright, and publishers understand that they’re giving their customers the option to share their games with others when they sell on GOG.

    In this view, then it’s kind of like paying it forward. Those who cannot afford it can use it for free. Those who can are encouraged to pay, get their own copies and pass it along to others at disadvantage, like sharing infinitely replicateable books.

    Admittedly it’s a more optimistic view assuming most people would do that. But, if pirates pay for Stardew Valley, it means there are people who abide by this.

  • Inkbound is… disappointing.

    I played the demo and it was pretty solid. It’s an isometric, turn based strategy roguelike, with multiplayer support and some competitive features. I was initially planning to buy it on release.

    But the price at launch was a bit higher than it would be for a no-brainer purchase, and playing requires constant online connectivity, despite supporting singleplayer play, AND came with a cosmetic battlepass out the gate.

    I found it ridiculous that the game couldn’t even support offline play before pushing a battlepass. Cosmetic only or no, this game is missing important functions and ultimately put me off getting a paid PC game that hasn’t even gotten it’s shit together before shilling their microtransactions. Smh.