• 15 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • You need to pick a machine (if you only have 1 you don’t lol) to be your web portal, bang a block of code in via ssh or command line (I copy pasted) then you can access Portainer via the web portal.

    From there “Stacks” is Docker Compose and you can fiddle with your containers, networking settings and all the other stuff via a UI instead of having to SSH in all the time to look at your compose files.

    Then if you wanna use docker on more machines you just bang a block of code into that machine via ssh and it will appear in your Portainer

    Far easier imho

  • Try a live Proxmox USB, it’s what I did when my machine went unresponsive. Allowed me to look through the logs of the OS when it hadn’t booted to find out what went wrong.

    For me it was that I had put my USB HDDs in via Fstab and one had died, which made Proxmox unbootable until I hashtagged the lines out in fstab.

  • I’ve solved this exact issue and numerous others with samba / CIFS recently. This is how I have my Proxmox on a mini pc with usb mounted HDDs at present:

    1 VM Home Assistant OS, not relevant really

    1 VM OMV Open Media Vault.

    1 VM Debian with Docker installed.

    So in my experience over the last few months you want your usb drive to have absolutely nothing to do with Proxmox. Nope.

    I had 3 hooked in mounted in Proxmox and when one of them threw a fit Proxmox refused to load.

    Better to have a NAS VM installed and have the drive(s, I have 3, 2x1tb and 1x750gb) passed straight through, whole usb, to the NAS VM.

    This means if the drive fails Proxmox doesn’t break, and also in my experience with OMV, it’ll still run if a drive breaks

    Then what I did was set up the shares and made them samba in OMV then set my other VM, the Debian one, with mount points in the Fstab.

    The key for me in this endeavour was to make sure the Fstab entry made sure that the OS wouldn’t fail if it couldn’t find a drive, as happened in Proxmox, so I made sure “nofail” was somewhere in the Fstab config.

    For Samba to work in Linux you need to install cifs-utils, then add a line in /etc/fstab. Mine goes:

    //omv.local/sharename /mnt/filename cifs credentials=/etc/cifs-credentials,file_mode=0777,dir-mode=0777,auto,nofail,vers=3.0 0 0

    You have to create the mount point mkdir /mnt/filename and give it permissions with chmod

    You also need to made the cifs-credentials file in /etc/

    It needs to contain:

    username=yourusername password=yourpassword domain=WORKGROUP

    Then what I do for Audiobookshelf and whatnot is mount the mount point as directories in Portainer under the volumes: - /mnt/Downloads:/Downloads

    Then in the UI of the service I’m using in Docker I can use the Downloads folder and it’s the mount point.

    This is what’s working well for me. If a drive fails I try and fix it in OMV instead of trying to plug a monitor into my mini pc to try and work out from the logs why Proxmox has failed…

    Use this comment as a framework for your research and save yourself some heartache. You can mount the CIFS/Samba share to Proxmox and use that, so you can still use the drive in Proxmox for backups and such

  • My budget-friendly solution has been to replace my ISP provided router with a 10 year old Netgear router that handles all the protocols my ISP does off eBay for £25.

    I have a 4 storey townhouse so having this on the ground floor is useless when you’re on the top floor.

    So I have a power line system installed which I’ve hooked into the modem. I’ve got a wired router in the front room that has all the front room tech worked in.

    On the top floor I have an even older Netgear router a friend gave me, with OpenWRT installed plugged into the power line and running as an access point.

    In total this whole system has probably cost me £80 to fully install as I was given the older Netgear.

    Works beautifully, cost very little, and I’ve got a Guest Mode ap that turns on when I turn guest mode in Home Assistant, a simple “Hey Google turn on Guest mode”

  • Haha yeah I’m certainly “Special” in my group of friends. We all go to the show but I make a mental note of where they’re all staying and getting myself to the front for a little bit.

    I try and get all the up-close shots of the stage while I’m thrown around the pit, and like to throw my phone in the air like horns with my video camera going.

    Then 10 minutes later when I’m sweaty and out of breath I go back to the pack and show em how sane they all are with the videos of the bedlam.

    Then I stick around and protect the pack when it all goes a bit mental further back.

    A lot of my people have chronic illnesses now so it’s nice for them to live vicariously though me. I get regular comments about “That time I watched you pirouette around the mosh pit like it was nothing” and I’m told it’s up there in theRe favourite memories.

    So I’ll still get in the pit, it doesn’t just make me happy that I can still handle it, but it makes my friends happy that they have that mad friend that goes into the thick of it and comes out unscathed.

  • LifeBandit666@feddit.uktoMemes@lemmy.mlUncanny Valley
    21 days ago

    I call this feeling “The Holy Spirit” and no I’m not religious, hear me out.

    So there’s “The Father” which is you, in charge of everything.

    Then there’s “The Son” which is your Jesus, the bit of you that does shit mostly perfectly without any input from you. The scary example of this is when you drive to work and can’t remember the drive at all. Jesus Take the wheel. Teach your Jesus right and you can trust he’ll do things fine.

    Then The Holy Spirit, which is that part of you that sees everything, before the filters are applied, and let’s you know something is off. There’s no obvious reason for it, but there’s something off about this guy and we need to get away from him as soon as possible and never interact with them again.

    The Jesus part is the important bit for most of us. Learning to play the guitar? Teach your Jesus. When you’ve practiced enough you can just trust that Jesus will hit the notes while you concentrate on singing along.

    When I learned to Juggle I just taught my Jesus how to throw properly so it lands in the other hand.

    At work I teach my Jesus how to do the manual labour, do the checks I need to do, and I can concentrate on ripping on my work colleagues.

  • Are there still people around that mock the Nemos?

    I mean I used to because they were posers, but then it was 20 fucking years ago and now it isn’t, and I have a “Spooky till I die” badge on my jacket.

    To some of us it wasn’t a faze, it was just a step on the ladder to becoming awesome. Many fall off the ladder, hell a lot of people don’t even climb it, but those of us that do will rock until we die.

    Don’t mock the rock.