Based on this picture, I’m pretty sure I want to be before linux…
Based on this picture, I’m pretty sure I want to be before linux…
The problem with republicans is that they’re actively evil.
The problem with democrats is that they’re too disorganised and fractured to actually follow through on their plans.
Trump could make a political promise that all americans will be forced to eat his turds unless they pay a 1 million dollar yearly fine.
That bill would pass, because they’re united on everything, and their only goal is others suffering.
Biden could make a promise that all americans will pay an extra $1 yearly tax to fund a way to solve homelessness in major cities.
Bidens plan wouldn’t pass, because democrats would bicker how the fine details would work, meanwhile, we still have to eat trumps daily turds.
What did he do that makes him guilty?
Yeah, I’d say it’s closer to since at least the 1800s. Maybe longer.
You just said all the things I said, except you’re using an arguementitive tone.
Yeah, he signed a 44 billion dollar deal as a joke, then he tried to get out of it when he said he didn’t mean it.
Then he got fined another 2 million dollars for sending the judges his dick pics after the judges wouldn’t let him back out.
Then after the sale went through, he did that photo op where he brought a kitchen sink and a toilet to the twitter building.
How is stating what happened defending him? Everybody including SEC saw all of this happen in real time.
I’m not a musk defender, but I kinda don’t see musk in the wrong on this. He didn’t even want to buy it. He said it publically as a joke, then got roped into being obligated to buy. All of this was very public. It’ll be hard to argue that it wasn’t known he had bought it.
I completely misunderstood the ban then. If you go back and read my previous thoughts on the matter, I debated IF this was good or bad.
And my debate was, do you allow actual spy services to keep spying in your country? Or do you ban the services, and introduce a precident which could easily be used towards a government lockdown of services?
And ultimately I landed of the belief that we shouldn’t ban tiktok. But that was under the assumption that it was a nationwide services ban. Not just a delisting from the app store.
Tiktok can still host the apk on their own website. Any other installations already installed on apple devices would still work. This isn’t a ban. It’s an app store delisting. And that’s fine. That initself doesn’t fly against the concepts of net neutrality. It becomes a matter of availability at that point.
And if tiktok is doing this of their own choice, then that doesn’t go against net neutrality either. That’s YOUR choice (if you are tiktok).
So, yeah. This small clarification really made this “debate” not much of a debate to me anymore. Ignore all previous positions I held. This issue just became simple. Fuck tiktok. Thats on them. The government didn’t ban them. They delisted an app.
Childporn is illegal on any network. As well it should be. Tiktok is not illegal as a result of this “ban”. That’s what I thought was happening. It’s not (assuming you are correct, which I have no reason to doubt).
…can’t help but notice you didn’t mention everyones favorite turnip throwing mario game!
I played it back in the 90s when it came out. What surprised me almost immediately was the ren fair scene. I forget exactly how they worded it, but the guards had kept track of everything I did at the fair. Which was mind blowing to me in a time when all games npcs would literally unload when off screen, and reload when onscreen. Completely forgetting anything you’d previously said/done.
Then THIS game remembers what I did 30 minutes ago.
Was that still startling in 2020, or did you not even realize how mind blowing that was since you’re in 2020 and not 1996?
Huh…Despite being true, I’ve never heard anyone refer to LoZ:LttP as “Zelda 3”.
Oh, just these series of games. You probably never heard of them…called The Super Mario Bros!!!
I mean, we should just set up a big pitt. Like in that movie 300.
Occupy wallstreet was a peaceful protest, which started to work, so the media shut it down.
These L.A. wildfires are either approaching or have already hit rich people neighborhoods, and aren’t expected to stop anytime soon.
It wouldn’t surprise me if these fires started with the idea of burning the elite in mind. I’m not saying that’s the case, but if it is…damn. Last I heard these fires already did like 3 billion in damage. If they hit the mansions it’ll probably trillions.
Uhhhhh, it’s called “It’s god damn 6am! Why the fuck are you outside when beds exist???” That’s the official name.
Pretty sure this guy’s not actually a velociraptor. He probably watched Jurassic Park. But the thing is, that movie took some… ahem …“liberties” with facts about dinosaurs.
Most people hear “velociraptor” and think 6 foot tall lizardy looking dinosaurs that can open doors. But in reality, it’s more like 2-3 feet tall, kind of bird like in both appearance and behavior.
That kid who said it’s like a 6 foot turkey would have actually been accurate if he had said like a turkey. Just…a regular ol turkey, except with teeth, and carnivorous. Still a terrifying thing to stumble on in the wild, as they were pack hunters. Now imagine a turkey with teeth hunting you. Except it’s like 15 of the fuckers.
So yeah. This guy probably ISN’T a velociraptor. He’s probably a Utah raptor. Which is what Jurassic Park based almost everything on.
Now, all that being said, fuck you Nintendo! You shut down the servers! I’d LOVE to have MiiVerse and online services through your official services…BUT THAT’S NOT ON THE TABLE, NOW IS IT YOU NARSASITIC ASSHOLES!
You mispelled depressing. For some reason you spelled it as “wild”.
Click to the next page??? Did you miss the part where he’s lazy?
Bret Hart still running around up there complaing about goldberg?
No, I really thought trump was trying to lose. Saying people in ohio eat cats and dogs, and he has no plan, just concepts of a plan. I really thought he was throwing the election.
I made one mistake. I forgot that this country is full of morons.