“EXtrEmisM” he seemes to have been in a relatively semi dogmatic anarcho kinda group
“EXtrEmisM” he seemes to have been in a relatively semi dogmatic anarcho kinda group
Nice, danke für teilen. Aber Hefe? Sojasauce?? Selbst noch Champignons: bei 4% Eiweiß müsste man immernoch ein Pfund essen für 20g. Wieviel Soyasauce sippst du so am Tag? Also ich mein nur man muss zu den relativen dann doch auch die absoluten Werte erwägen.
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Don’t you think we should not share links with paywalls that late in the text? It is very annoying.
Komm nich drauf aber will wissen
Whoa what a reaction. I wasn’t going for validating what they did by criticizing the replacement of information about their political ideas and actions with the word “extremism”. But that seems exactly how people understand the term. As if there was a righteous or acceptable “middle” the degree of deviance signified how good or what smth is… The political compass needs to know what things are about, not how “x-treme” they are.
Or we need to use that term on any bombing of people, like for example “the extremism of [any us president]”. Step 2 would be picturing what benefit that would add to the conversation