
kde, linux, busses, open source and the good old Grateful Dead.

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 16th, 2023


  • Third day of deposition.

    After fighting Boeing since 2017. Losing the first court case by the way.

    An entire movie about this came out in 2022.

    It sounds like a desperate person who had enough.

    Why kill him now? Wad something going to come out that already hadn’t? Or wad this person tired of fighting and feeling helpless.

    You could argue that maybe Boeing killed him in the long run.

    But with 50,000 people taking their lived a year in the US I tend to think a lot of people are just broken. And i can’t blame them.

    Also, you are suggesting the police were in on it since they ruled out foul play too?

    Although I don’t trust them either. So fair enough on that one.

  • No they are not that suspicious at all. The first death served no purpose unless you really believe it was a “fuck you” death.

    The second wasnt much better, but come on, they really got a hospital involved? Do you know how stupid that sounds?

    I DO think CEO’s, members of the board, and rich shareholders have legislative and other protections. At the very least the ability to send lawyers to court for the rest of their lives if they had to. I believe they can get away with quite a lot, and probably make money doing it even if caught. So none of that, NONE of that means resorting to murder. There just isn’t really a need to.

    If this were a case of targeted blackmail, perhaps somekind of love affair gone wrong or some kind or really nasty shit, then I could see it.

    You can ruin peoples lives, create shoddy products, pollute the land, boss people around, and you won’t get in any trouble if you are rich. No need to murder anyone.

  • Someone very connected to Boeing murdered them.

    Yeah, that second guy, they went all biological right? I mean they gave him the flu to get him to the hospital. Once there, and in his weakened state, they sprang MRSA on him! That way, when they caused the parting shot with a stroke, no one would suspect!

    Conspiracy is a lot of fun! Lets add aliens. I mean the whole reason why this is all so hush hush is the government is in a contract with the Aliens from Alpha Centauri and these people stumbled onto it. It is so obvious!

  • If it was purely about money, major league sports wouldn’t be spending millions on their players.

    Of course they would, there are only so many to go around. They sell seats and products. That is how it works. You spend money to make a winning team, you appease the fans, you make money. OR you are really rich and want to brag about having a winning team. Money, Money, Money.

    This person only wants to be the best in their league.

    Who doesn’t?

    I am not disagreeing that it is difficult to figure out rules if you want to make it fair for everyone competing, but the reality is businesses are making money, and this is a diversion that does not make them money.

  • I think you make a valid point that someone could be trying to find fairness in a difficult situation without being anti-trans.

    On the other hand, it’s sports. Which is not driven by fairness, but by money. I don’t give a shit either way, as far as I am concerned dope everyone up the gills and modify everyone into super humans, it is just silly sports. But I am not the person paying or advertising.

    And that is all that matters. Will the advertisers put in money, and will people pay to watch. Currently, the society of those groups of people say no.

  • I can’t say I really hate this. If a company is willing to maintain this so there is always free water alongside a purchase option, it doesnt seem so bad.

    Because frankly a portion of my world looks like this right now: The corporations squeeze to get everything out of me, and a good portion of the populous want to make sure I can’t have nice things by fucking everything up. A public fountain? Oh yeah that shit will get destroyed or stolen within a week.

  • Thank goodness. I hate most current UI.

    It’s funny that one thing I really liked about it was the floating windows and toolbar. Then everyone complained and they brought it all together. But now people I work with using software that we pay nearly a million dollars to license are getting all excited becuase they introduced… floating windows.