That’s what we have when we have spineless cowards sitting in the White House, imagine thinking they are progressive when they’re to the right of Reagan, Thatcher and George W. Bush.
And now this shit ‘we’re going to give you 30 days to straighten up your act,’ which happens to coincide after the election.
Our politicians are “progressive” because they don’t want to kill queer people and round up immigrants. Unfortunately that’s where our Overton window is nowadays :/
But they don’t mind that their government does
You’re absolutely fried if you think he’s to the right of Bush or Reagan
When Israel was bombing Lebanon in 1982 Reagan called Menacham Begin and said stop it. What you were doing is committing genocide. If you don’t we’re stopping all the money and all the 2002 Bush threatened no money and weapons for killing civilians in Gaza
Thatcher imposed an arms embargo on Israel for bombing Lebanon.
Biden is to the right of is Reagan. Bush, and Thatcher on foreign policy, and on many domestic policies.
Ignore him. He’s a foreign actor who is always dumping on Biden at every turn. Notice how he completely ignored the role of Congress and the hawking of Republicans.
Yeah…they need a post-war Germany treatment, with less forgiveness. Additionally, any who have served in the IDF should be ineligible for election (I know that’s a lot), as well as any of those exempt from compulsive service warmonger assholes.
No need to reach all the way back to the 40s when there’s a much more similar example in the early 90: Apartheid South Africa.
Israel needle to be made a pariah state like Apartheid South Africa was and their leaders tried for their many crimes against humanity UNLIKE the leaders of Apartheid South Africa.
It’s the only way that lasting peace can be a possibility.
I wonder though, maybe South Africa was easily made a pariah state in the 90s because it was the end of the Cold War. SA’s utility in geopolitics to contain communism had run its course. Meanwhile, Israel is situated in still tense Middle East, and the main reason US still support Israel is because the latter provides excellent intelligence gathering which they provide then to the US and the West.
Nobody really knew it was the end of the Cold War though
Apartheid ended in 1994 with the election of Nelson Mandela, which is 4-5 years after the fall of communism.
The groundswell against it started much earlier, in the 80s
As much as I dislike Obama’s drone strikes, at least he could stand up to Netanyahu.
Arms embargo and sanctions? We sanctioned Russia…
We don’t send billions of dollars worth of weapons to Russia every year
Do we really send billions to Isreal though? Yes, I know we’re addicted to our military industrial complex, but it would be nice if we weren’t.
America: Wait… Don’t sell weapons? Like I shouldn’t? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Holy hell the guys in Congress are going to love this joke!
I don’t know. Netty is so bloodthirsty to stay in power. It would be good first step though.
He’d have a much harder time spilling blood, though.
Israel literally don’t have the capability of keeping up their genocidal campaigns at anywhere near this scale without the military and financial aid from the US.
So is the embargo around America?
Michelle Obama sure should have run. I guess I can understand why she didnt, but damn.
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