This is a question intended solely for the adult audience, both tagged as NSFW and with a NSFW warning in the title. I don’t see a rule prohibiting those, and I hope it’s allowed.

Not talking about rare because taboo, but ones people may not even ever think of when hearing “fetish”.

I have a major fetish for… apartments. Housing. Generally interior of buildings. It’s been born out of my socioeconomic situation and continues. I find the idea of having sex in a nice, non-claustophobic space extremely allouring. If I see a glimpse of a nice interior via a window, it’s where my thoughts immediately go. I see a nice plant in the window? I fantasize about how good the rest of the place looks like and how hot it would be to do the do in it. Nice lightning? Same thoughts. Tall windows implying high ceilings and more space? Guess what… I thought I’d appreciate living alone, but my apartment is claustrophobic, which is something I thought I wouldn’t mind, since I grew up in worse, but it affects my mental health. Fantasizing about having sex in more modern, more spacious places is not only an escapism, but actually turns me on a lot. I hate that most people don’t seem to be able to host. I would probably give a chance to someone I otherwise wouldn’t consider if they had a nice place - to picture how strong the fetish has become over time.

I’m curious about other people’s. Share away.

    8 months ago

    not that i’m into it, but the headspace of little/age play is escapism: kids don’t have work to do, kids don’t worry about rent, etc… kids just kinda do what they want and are able to be a bit bratty and get away with it

    the headspace for puppy play (which i am very into) is similar: dogs don’t worry, dogs just play, dogs get pats, dogs love unconditionally. its all about existing in the moment and focusing on what’s happening rather than worrying about human things

      8 months ago

      I’m not into it in a sexual way at all, but I’m all about laying in my wife’s lap and getting pets and scritches. Especially if work has been rough lately, it’s nice to be pampered and have no expectations.

      8 months ago

      the thought of becoming a cat forever and leaving my heavy baggage and expectations behind is so enticing, i fall into the headspace for days at a time sometimes. this is absolutely correct. i think a lot of it is hormone related, cause the headspace only happens during specific parts of my cycle, but the knowledge of escaping is just as much a cause.

        8 months ago

        Maybe you’re a cat who foolishly wondered about being a human, and is now having a nightmare of the horrors of human life. Its time to wake up meow.