Whoawhaowhao you can’t use political words yet. Everyone knows only once you have all “thoughts and prayers” lined up and fill 2.2 football fields, divided by 2 minus 15 eagles worth of words, can you then even mention politics.
At 8 football fields you can bring up 2A. But what would the world be like if we started changing “amendments”. We’d have to make the word amendment a synonym of change or something, that would be crazy.
Also, “It’s too soon after this tragedy to politicize it.”
No, that is 12 hour later. 24 hours later it is too soon after the next day’s tragedy.
Whoawhaowhao you can’t use political words yet. Everyone knows only once you have all “thoughts and prayers” lined up and fill 2.2 football fields, divided by 2 minus 15 eagles worth of words, can you then even mention politics.
At 8 football fields you can bring up 2A. But what would the world be like if we started changing “amendments”. We’d have to make the word amendment a synonym of change or something, that would be crazy.
Since these things happen on a daily basis, it’s always too soon. Funny how that works.