Ayo Edebiri said she received “insane death threats” after Elon Musk shared a false report claiming she would replace Johnny Depp in a Pirates of the Caribbean reboot.
The rumor, posted by a right-wing account with no industry ties, was never confirmed by credible sources. Musk, who commented “Disney sucks,” amplified the hoax.
Edebiri later called Musk an idiot and a fascist for promoting fascist right-wing rhetoric.
Meanwhile, producer Jerry Bruckheimer confirmed a reboot is in development but did not confirm Depp’s involvement.
the owner of the original account said: “I clearly stated ‘reportedly’ because it was the latest information coming from credible Hollywood sources. And yes, I am a HUGE fan and supporter of Mr Musk. He has my loyalty for LIFE, and I don’t say that lightly.”
That’s fuckin’ weird bro. Fuckin’ weird. Back in my day we used to call those kind of people flunkies and bootlickers.
Today we call them simps and glazers
Updates Millennial vocabulary…
Update failed! Storage space unavailable.
I feel like bootlickers has a more negative connotation to it.
I feel ‘dick rider’ is appropriate
I don’t believe negative connotations should be applied to riding dicks. Usually it’s a win-win.
That’s a good one.
And yes, I am a HUGE fan and supporter of Mr Musk. He has my loyalty for LIFE, and I don’t say that lightly.”
Ok fucking what? Did this dude implant Neuralinks in half the US population without anyone’s knowledge?
What an insane fucking thing to say.
I don’t say that lightly.
I love it when randos say shit like this. I don’t know you. Nobody knows you. Your judgement carries no weight.
If every accusation is an admission of guilt and the weirdos kept accusing Gates of implementing microchips in the vaccines then…
Oh God 😐
Or it could be another of Musk’s sock puppets. Kissing his own ass is one of his favorite hobbies.
That’s the bottom line, isn’t it? Everyone deserves one’s respect, no one deserves one’s worship.
I would argue the work we’re looking for is “dignity”. Too many people disagree on what “respect” means.
Even if true, how fucked up in the head do you have to be to make death threats for an actor to play a role in a movie that is pure fiction.
Don’t like it, DON’T WATCH IT!
Fucking neck-beards paladin’ the dumbest things for “canon”.
I think it’s a tail wagging the dog situation, really. They don’t care about the Pirates movies, they’re just using it as an opportunity to push their weirdo narratives.
They want to get views and monetization monies so they will latch onto anything they see as popular and inject their narrative onto it. Talking about popular things expands the number of people the algorithm will recommend their stuff to. The narrative is there to capture the audience and keep them coming back.
Once you have a group of weirdos together they will start trying to one-up each other with their weirdness. Eventually a few will cross the line and start making death threats, swatting people, and sometimes even mass killings can occur. It isn’t about the Pirates, it’s about proving to the rest of the group how devoted to the weirdo “cause” they are.
the problem is that they don’t believe in “get woke go broke” themselves. if they did they wouldn’t have fucking conniptions every time they saw a black person or even a woman on screen. they would just sit back and watch the woke movies bomb. but they don’t. the rate of bad “woke” movies is just the rate of bad movies.
This sort of thing is frighteningly common. The first two instances that come to mind for me are both Star Wars films: Ahmed Best after The Phantom Menace and Kelly Marie Tran after The Last Jedi.
Not to detract from your point but did you substitute “paladin” for “champion”?
It also has an apostrophe at the end like it’s slang for “palading”. And I don’t understand either move.
peddlin’, probably. Autocorrect is that ‘friend’ that acts all sweet until your back is turned.
Actually changing Jack Sparrow to a female would be an amazing change. Why? Because it’s different.
Imagine a drunk, female Jane Sparrow sailing around having grand adventures. Throw in some cute but sexy outfits. Sign me up.
Regular reboot with some guy? Probably skipping it because it doesn’t excite me. It’s just a reboot.
The franchise isn’t called Jack Sparrow. It’s called Pirates of the Caribbean, based off a theme park ride which, as far as I know, has no named characters. The main character could be any pirate.
But maybe make her name less derivative… like Judy Pigeon or something… ;)
The theme park ride always had Jack Sparrow as the only named character, even before the movies.
I was on the ride last summer, and the only name that I remember being mentioned is Davy Jones, of mythical locker fame. They did add him to the ride in 2006, but he was created for the movie in 2003.
Well, TIL!
I was 8 when I was on it and don’t remember that
Maybe the first movie but nearly every subsequent one is basically the jack sparrow show.
This counter-troll from Disney would slightly redeem them in my eyes 😂
I also think in the next Bond movie James should lose his mind and have to be dealt with by agent 009, Janice Stock 😆
“What? We didn’t change James Bond!”
Honestly, in my mind the codenumber 007 is reserved for the most elite agents and the moniker “James Bond” is a transferable identity given to the best of the 007s.
And no corporation will ever dissuade me
Goldeneye already had Alex Trevlyn(sp?) as 006, so there are at least 9 double-O agents. We don’t really need to do the “James Bond is a code name like Captain America” thing.
I mean, Captain America doesn’t own the concept of codenames.
We don’t “need” to do anything in a fictional world about super spies but I think it’d make the world more interesting, and quite neatly explains why the same man has been at various levels of his career, physical fitness, skill, knowledge, and face through the decades.
I have never heard of an actual logical reason that it shouldn’t canon, and you haven’t provided one either
I see your point, and I don’t have a logical reason for not wanting it that way. Him never aging is just part of the goofiness of James Bond that seems to have been forgotten in the recent movies.
Maybe there are (at least) 9 of these code-named agents who are assigned an identity for the duration of their employment.
Maybe 🤷♂️
It just seems convoluted when we have no evidence of that, but we do have evidence of other 00 agents who seemingly use their own names.
Also, if Bond is already a code name, why use other identities? We’ve seen him do that.
This head canon is what makes me see the Mission: Impossible movies as the American version of James Bond.
I think Dead Reckoning Part 2 may be the last time Tom Cruise plays Ethan Hunt, and if we see any more M:I movies after, I think it’ll be a different actor but the same name.
Similar to this JB theory.
I’m all for that too. I feel like secret agents who’s lives are dedicated to the job are the perfect excuse to have a roster of actors play the same “character”
At the same time, it was inspired by a TV series where the main character and actor changed…
Not judging your expectation of sexy outfits. Only saying us gays didn’t get them with Depp. I don’t even remember him shirtless. 🥲
It would be lame.
Making an entirely new character would be far more different and interesting.
Making a character that’s attempting to transfer over the affinity people have for an existing character while also being a new character is just gimicky, manipulative, and above all else, lame as fuck.
And it’s not about the character being a woman. Gladiator II was lame because it retconned Lucius to be the son of Maximus and it was constantly being like “you like Maximus, so you should also like this dude!” Naw, the only character in that movie I liked was the new character played by Denzel. The other characters were just a weak imitation of characters from a much better movie.
Fax. Gender swapping or race swapping characters for original ones instead of creating an entirely different character is lame asf
Wasn’t that Penelope Cruz’s character, more or less?
deleted by creator
Grainne O’Malley!
Kinda want her to get the role now just so these assholes don’t see Depp or somebody else in the new movie and think that they had a hand in saving Hollywood from the evil forces of woke. Satisfaction is not permitted.
And give full credit to musk and his sad little fanboy. “Thank you for this idea, we would never have considered her, but now we’re all in!”
The level of utter derangement people have over mainstream cinema (marvel, star wars, franchise, action slop, disney remakes) being ‘tainted’ by a raceswap, or being ‘woke’ in some way is off the scales.
There are genuinely people crying themselves to sleep over the perceived quality of the entertainment equivalent of happy meals. There’s an entire caustic critic industry over it. It’s honestly pathetic how so many people have MCU Derangement syndrome.
I suspect many of those same people do not have healthy relationships with women and are quite rude to their mothers.
There’s derangement all around on the internet. We’re all a bunch of weirdos.
My brother doesn’t go on social media at all (he’s a wise man) and so isn’t influenced by internet culture war bullshit one way or another. I once asked him what he thought about The Last Jedi. He didn’t like it. Why? It was boring.
Most people just want entertaining and fun movies. What’s wrong with that? The internet would have you believe that movies are supposed to be in your face about pushing cultural changes. But most of the time they fail to do this, and only succeed in generating a lot of views and money for culture warriors. In the end they only help the opposition to the changes they’re promoting because pushing those messages in lazy ways feels lame and boring to audiences. Then the culture warriors twist it so that a movie that’s merely lame and boring is something more sinister.
What you see on the internet is not actually representative of what most people think. I think we should assume Disney does a lot of market research and isn’t only looking at internet arguments when deciding how to market movies. Look at the trailers for Rise of Skywalker we can see the results of that research, My brother’s opinion was probably prominent. People don’t hate strong women in movies, they don’t hate Rey as the culture warriors would have you believe. They didn’t like that Rey didn’t do anything in TLJ and they wanted to see her do some, you know, action stuff in an action adventure movie.
The culture war shit hurts entertainment regardless of which side it comes from. Instead of having a Star Wars trilogy with three solid action adventure entries, we have one in the middle that claims in it’s marketing to be about strong women but actually relegates women to support roles if the movie is considered from the context of an action adventure movie. The final entry has a woman taking on a large role in action scenes but is hated by both sides of the culture wars. Which makes everyone taking either side in this look like a bunch of idiots to anyone that’s just going to a Star Wars movie looking for fun action adventure.
TL;DR: Y’all are a bunch of deranged idiots just trying to spite the “other side” and ruining the fun for everyone else.
If you don’t like the direction of a movie or show, you can just watch something else. There is an entire caustic critic industry based around complaining about Disney. It is sad.
It’s because they buy in to shit like The Great Replacement Theory.
Right? Imagine if The Wiz came out today.
People like to say, “you couldn’t make that today” when they see something that they perceive as being “anti-woke” (they’re almost always wrong, of course).
I feel like they literally could not make The Wiz today without people like this losing their shit.
It’s just not worth it. So why? Just know the big studios will always fuck with you. You’ll never be happy so don’t entertain them with feed back and don’t give them a penny.
They want a movie reboot but with the same actors?
Just some racist shit. They want it to be a white man
As opposed to sane death threats against her?
She’s a successful black actress, they unfortunately come with the territory. I imagine they hit differently when they’re coming from actual Nazis though
(This was meant to be a joke but it kinda just made me sad as I was typing it)
Pretty sure Depp has said he’s not willing to take on the role again. Obviously Disney would have to cast someone else.
Sending them death threats is insane. Grow up people…
Maybe do it like Furiosa - take one of the interesting female characters and make a prequel about them.
Ok can we cut the shit here?
We can agree that derranged humans exist on both sides of the fence. So… No one makes these derranged threats at Elon??
Either the death threats were generated by Grok or Elon suddenly grew thick skin.
I’m not saying crazies aren’t out there making derranged death threats. They are. I’ve seen it with my own two eyes
But this? This is retaliatory, and seems at least if not accurate then editorialized to make me believe she’s getting, like, more than is statistically normal (ew). And from a guy with a fancy LLM in his assets??? Call it speculation, it is, but something smells like shit.
Can you explain what you are talking about? Are you implying Musk used some AI to… Make accounts and have those accounts threaten an actress after he reposted a false report about her? What?
With unfettered access to something like groks API, musk could literally effortlessly unleash an infinite stream of email account creation and death threats from those emails addresses to further his agenda, feelings, ego, etc.
Why does a conspiracy about Elon using AI to harass a woman all by himself seem more plausible to you than the fact that a large number of bigots will take any opportunity to harass a woman of colour?
You need to reconsider how you assess things. You’ve got a distorted view of reality/plausibility.
Not sure what an LLM has to do with this. Anyone can make a death threat? And anyone can use an LLM to do it I guess.
They indicate a large volume of death threats.
And how does that change anything?
I guess I’m not drawing lines between the volume of death threats, any exaggeration of the article, the culprit(s), and what any of that has to do with an LLM. They all seem like independent factors. Sure someone could have used an LLM to spam her, or theoretically the article could be editorialized, but… She still got death threats, maybe a lot.
you realize there’s a lot of vile racists out there, right?
It’s your opinion that smells like shit.
Johnny Depp has insane fans, that’s also a cult, so hos cult in combination with the maga cult fans, I’m not surprised.