A new analysis released last week by the international non-profit InfluenceMap reveals an overwhelmingly unequal share of fossil fuel pollution worldwide. From 2016 to 2022, 80 percent of global carbon dioxide emissions were produced by just 57 companies.

  • ObjectivityIncarnate@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    This is extremely misleading–those companies produce those emissions in the course of creating the products that the rest of us ‘down the pipeline’ (pardon the pun) consume.

    So, to everyone who’s like ‘all the things I do to reduce my footprint are meaningless because it’s these guys at the top creating all the pollution’? No, it’s not fucking meaningless. You and others like you consuming less is precisely THE way to get those companies at the ‘top of the supply chain’ to pollute less.

    • TankovayaDiviziya@lemmy.world
      6 months ago

      Not to defend the fossil fuel use, but you’re right. I work in manufacturing industry and when I look around I finally realised “yeah, I can see why companies are mostly responsible for carbon emissions .” The drugs and electronics the consumers use are only made possible because of high energy intensive processes. The plastic we use and take for granted in everyday lives are also made from fossil fuels. Unless renewable energy could reliably scale up sooner to accommodate for the increasing global energy usage, then I’m afraid we still have to rely on fossil fuels for now.