Despite Bill Barr’s repeatedly voicing concerns about Donald Trump, he has now said he will vote for him again this November

Bill Barr has claimed Donald Trump often suggested executing his political rivals during heated moments of his four-year tenure in the White House.

Former White House communications director Alyssa Farah Griffin told The View back in December that Mr Trump once called for a staff member to be put to death for leaking a story about the then-president going down to a bunker during Black Lives Matter protests in summer 2020.

Former Trump administration attorney general Mr Barr was asked about the claims during an interview on CNN last week.

    10 months ago

    nonviolent resistance worked in the 20th century because there were still plenty of people who cared or at least pretended to care. the 21st century is basically sociopaths, dissociative personality types, and pacifists. there’s no good people left with a spine and you’re about to see what that world breeds. it may already be too late.

      10 months ago

      Unions still work just as well as they did last century. Hell, they work better.

      What you’re essentially saying is that “well this thing that has never worked is the solution and we shouldn’t use the thing that has been proved to work”.

      It is hard to organise activism globally, but nonviolence still works better than violence.

      What stands in it’s way is people believing there’s no point to nonviolent resistance… a bit like you.

        10 months ago

        violence was never a viable option because organizing it has been impossible for the common man. we now have the tools to coordinate globally and discreetly.

          10 months ago

          Yeah the ‘lack of organisation’ isn’t the problem.

          Unions work, authoritarianism doesn’t. Your lack of belief in nonviolent activism is partially responsible for the state of the world, so stop it with the inane violence fantasies and start doing something.

              10 months ago

              What non-violent resistance movements of Jews were there in Europe? Because I don’t know of any.

              The battle for humanity’s future is fought with words, not bullets. Lovely irony in you trying to call someone else naive, as all you’re capable of is cheap “we should beat up the baddies” BS, which achieves less than nothing, being in itself harmful to the discourse.

              I’m actually in the military reserves. I’m trained and ready to defend my country, with weapons, if necessary. Can you say the same? It would be somewhat naive to call someone a “limp-wristed do-nothing” if you’re not in the military and you think vague threats of violence to some poorly defined “them” is more effective at achieving things than discussing them like adults.

                10 months ago

                “What non-violent resistance movements of Jews were there in Europe?”

                There was no resistance. everybody saw it coming and did nothing until it was too late.

                “The battle for humanity’s future is fought with words, not bullets.”

                The history books tell a very different story. Again, naive.

                “Lovely irony in you trying to call someone else naive, as all you’re capable of is cheap “we should beat up the baddies” BS, which achieves less than nothing, being in itself harmful to the discourse.”

                I promise you if the baddies fear for their life, they’re going to be very hesitant to roll over the people. If the last time X baddie attempted some sociopathic cruelty, they ended up picking up their teeth afterwards, they will think twice about doing it again.

                “I’m actually in the military reserves. I’m trained and ready to defend my country, with weapons, if necessary. Can you say the same?”

                I’m armed and trained as well buddy.

                "It would be somewhat naive to call someone a “limp-wristed do-nothing”

                If it walks like a duck…

                "some poorly defined “them”

                I have a list.

                Again, you’re ignoring the last 4000 years of civilization if you think violence is an ineffective tool for change.

                  10 months ago

                  The history books tell a very different story. Again, naive.

                  Your refusal to read history doesn’t make your fantasies true.


                  “I promise you if the baddies”

                  And you don’t see any irony in writing out things like that in the same comment that you deign to call someone ‘naive’ in?

                  I’m armed and trained as well buddy.

                  So that’s a “no, I’m not in the military, but I’m an American gun-owner”. Yes, I think that’s probably readily apparent to most people reading this conversation.

                  You still can’t even define “the baddies” (what a hilariously inane concept to begin with), let alone propose anything else than vague threats of violence aimed at “them”. Unions and politicians actually achieve things, while you sit there, terminally online, shining your Walmart bought guns and fantasizing of violence.

                  It really isn’t the fault of others that you refuse to read history. “Facts don’t care about your feelings” as I’ve heard some other equally rhetorically talented American say.

                  Authoritarianism doesn’t work. Unions do, like other forms of cooperative movements which utilise the extremely broad economic and political power that the masses have, when organised.

                  Never heard of Tank Man either, I suppose?


                  The “Singing revolution” (1989–1991) in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, led to the three Baltic countries’ restoration of independence from the Soviet Union in 1991

                  Recently, nonviolent resistance has led to the Rose Revolution in Georgia. Research shows that nonviolent campaigns diffuse spatially. Information on nonviolent resistance in one country could significantly affect nonviolent activism in other countries.

                  There’s a whole list of hundreds of examples from before the beginning of our calendar to modern day. I stress, once again; you refusing to read history doesn’t make your fantasies true. Those who don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

                    10 months ago

                    You still can’t even define “the baddies”

                    Jim Grech Shaikh Nawaf S. Al-Sabah Michael Whatley Larry Fink Clarence Thomas Samuel Alito Neil Gorsuch Jonathan Lockwood Tucker Carlson Ryan Lance Amin H. Nasser Greg Abbott

                    I could go on…

                    But whatever. You refuse to acknowledge that the death of any of those guys would be a win for humanity? I guarantee you we would see more results with swift action in that direction than useless protests and -checks notes- singing.