I'm back on my BS 🤪

I’m back on my bullshit.

  • 4 Posts
Joined 1 month ago
Cake day: May 28th, 2024

  • I think most female to male abuse comes in the form of emotional coercion. So, something like, if the guy doesn’t have sex with her how she wants, there will be consequences. Sometimes they’re explicit, such as when she actually says it openly. Other times, she communicates it implicitly for plausible deniability. For example, every time a guy is not interested in the moment, she does something that hurts him soon after. This could be from throwing a fit about some regular chore, to shaming them to their friends, to actively seeking attention from or cheating with other men.

    I knew a girl that would tell everyone she was being abused before her boyfriend even knew it was happening. She would ask everyone to not say anything because she was scared he would abuse her more. She would also do things to make him angry in public so people would think he had an anger problem. People would start treating the boyfriend like shit, so he would start being isolated, which allowed her to abuse him more. If the boyfriend came out seeking help, no one would believe him and gaslight him further. The girl even went as far as telling relationship therapists that he was abusing her so that he had no escape while she now how documentation that he was abusing her. The girl was a completely deranged psychopath that did this with all her boyfriends. Of course, her friends were similar. One of her friend’s boyfriends committed suicide after they had an argument. The girl then milked that for pity points every chance she got.

    I really advise everyone to learn about relationship abuse and vulnerable narcissists. They’re incredibly sneaky and brutally perverse, and anyone can fall for one. It takes a while for even trained relationship abuse therapists to catch on to them. Look it up on YouTube. There are many therapists and survivors that share their stories and guidance.

  • I think the current consensus is that your mind is processing conflicts in your life, but in a symbolic way. The emotions match the conflict, but the concrete factors can be wild. For example, a dream about being in an airplane that’s in a nosedive could be about recognizing that you have no control over your current life being destroyed. Perhaps some tragedy struck your life and you feel powerless over it. The cool thing about dreams is that once you recognize it’s a dream, you can test solutions to the experience to see what their potential outcomes may be. In the example, the person may recognize that there is nothing they could do, so they decide to peacefully enjoy the last minutes they have. This was actually my recurring dream. When I tried riding it out peacefully, the plane came to a safe crash landing over water, and I was able to gather my most important belongings before the plane sank (it was my dog). We swam to shore, waved at the plane crash goodbye, and walked into the city to start a new life.

    Your public shitting and masturbation dreams might be a conflict between what you see as a normal and natural human experience and believing that they are not socially accepted. I think it would be neat to try out different solutions to that drive in your dreams to see how your mind plays them out. You might be able to resolve some ongoing conflict that’s been affecting your life.

    If you’re interested in learning more about dream analysis, look into Irvin D. Yalom. He’s known in the fields of psychology and psychiatry for his work on dream analysis. He even has some books where he shares stories about working with clients, interpreting their dreams, and the impact it had on them. Beware tho: the dude was obsessed with death. Anyway, super interesting stuff if you’re into that!

  • I like Lemmy especially because it has not gone mainstream. I was already disliking Reddit around 2016/7 and tried to find alternatives, but nothing was good enough for me. Around 2018/9, the porn subs got pretty popular, then WallStreetBets. That brought on a massive amount of users, and the Reddit I joined in 2011 was definitely gone.

    It used to be interesting, unique, and respectful.It became repetitive, predictably standard, and rude. Many subs function as low-key advertising or propaganda without users awareness. It was a hive mind. I was wanting to leave, and luckily the API fiasco happened so that I was able to find a new place.

    I like it small like it is now. Users feel more familiar. Also, I love the idea of instances. If one instance has a shitty community on a topic you like, then find a community on a different instance. There’s none of that BS where mods control an entire topic. Maybe there are a lot of topics that aren’t popular here, so that sucks. Still, it’s no worse than reddit with 1+ million people all saying the same crap I don’t vibe with on a topic.

  • I agree. His 34 felonies are nothing compared to the damage he caused as President when COVID hit, leading to the inflation we are feeling today. Economists were warning us before COVID. In his first 2 years, Trump boosted the economy by using all of the economic tools that were typically reserved for emergencies when things were fine so that he could appear effective. Then, the tragedy that economists were worried about happened, and the only solution we had was to pump money (money printer go brrrrr) into the economy while Trump made the pandemic worse. So yeah, 34 felonies are negligible compared to the damage he caused with his short-sighted desperate policies to elicit admiration.

  • That’s what they say. The people that use them know very well that they are going to shoot them however they please. However, if they were to say so, that might make them illegal or result in liability issues if someone is severely injured. Thus, they have to pretend that they would only shoot them at the legs. This is how I imagine the conversation went:

    Politician A: We can fire rubber bullets at them to stop. It will give us an excuse to make the protestors shit themselves in fear of death, but they wont be killed since we’re using rubber bullets. That will get them to stop fighting us.

    Politician B: Yeah, but how are we gonna get the public to allow us to shoot bullets at them? They’re not going to let us do that. All they would have to argue is that the rubber bullets could severely injure or kill someone that is shot in the face.

    A: We’ll just say that the rubber bullets will only be shot at the legs.

    B: That might not be intimidating enough.

    A: Don’t worry. We’re just saying that. The cops will do as they normally do.

    B: Wont they know that it’s a lie when they get shot in the face?

    A: Nah. We’ll say it was an accident or bounced off of the floor.

    B: 🤜

    A: 🤛

  • As far as I understand, rip currents rapidly pull someone out to sea only. If someone finds themselves in one, the solutions are to either (a) swim parallel to the coast to get out of the rip current, then swim back to shore, or (b) stay calm, float, and wave for help. Regardless, nothing is forcing someone underwater. Are people that die in rip currents not good swimmers/floaters or panicking?

    Growing up in Florida, I’ve known how to swim practically my whole life, which is pretty common here among natives. Are all these people drowning in rip currents this year visitors or transplants from other states like the the four unfortunate men in this article?

  • I knew a guy in my social circle that was a sheriff deputy during the George Floyd protests. He was known for being an all-around douchebag and was mostly tolerated. No one ever wondered where he was at or of he was coming. He kinda just heard of plans and showed up. His conversations would be things like complaining about women or people of color and sharing that he takes 30-mins shits.

    There was someone else in the circle that needed a place nearby since he was going to school, so the cop offered him a room in his house for an affordable rate with no lease. Once the guy moved in and gave up his previous residence, the guy jacked up rent, imposed ridiculous rules like an overbearing curfew, monitored him with cameras and sensors throughout the house, and belittled him every chance he got in front of others. I am not exaggerating at all. That’s who this guy was.

    Come the protests, we saw this dude out there. He was purposely instigating unrest so that he could use force. That’s what he wanted. He was open about it. He even came out in the news doing it on video and it became a thing in the city.

    All he wanted to do was demonstrate power over others to overcome his deep-seated inferiority complex. He was a complete sack of shit.