While millions will still vote for the Republican candidate, perhaps hating immigrants more than they love reproductive rights, the only certainty at this point is that many millions more will vote for Vice President Kamala Harris. In the latest ABC News/Ipsos national poll, the Democrat enjoyed a 14% advantage with women over Trump; among women with a college degree, that number rose to 23%; among women voters under 40, it rocketed to 34%.
That, in turn, is causing some MAGA commentators to break from their usual posture of feigned confidence to outright panic.
“Early vote has been disproportionately female,” Charlie Kirk, head of Turning Point USA and helping to lead the Trump campaign’s get-out-the-vote effort, posted on social media. “If men stay at home, Kamala is president. It’s that simple.”
Ladies, divorce your Republican husband while you still can.
Based and actually good advice
From a hotel in another city or a distant but good friend’s place. Avoid the black eyes please.
Unless you’re the one giving them.
Ah, but republican men are pushing for laws to make it difficult or even illegal to divorce them without permission.
That’s the joke
It’s not a joke, it’s deadly serious.
Yup. I’ve recently heard them start up with the bitching about “no fault divorce”. Used to be I’d hear old grumps bitching about that when I was so very little…and now it’s making a comeback, it seems, among people who are younger than me. WTAF.
What’s next? Bitching about women being able to drive and have a banking account? Holding the deed to land?
Timothy 2:11-15 New International Version
11 A woman[a] should learn in quietness and full submission. 12 I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man;[b] she must be quiet. 13 For Adam was formed first, then Eve. 14 And Adam was not the one deceived; it was the woman who was deceived and became a sinner. 15 But women[c] will be saved through childbearing—if they continue in faith, love and holiness with propriety.
This is the framework theyre aiming for. Blessed be the fruit.
That’s likely why they said “while you still can”, but yeah.
See, now if a billionaire would just finance divorce lawyers for this, then I might have a second thing on my list of things that billionaires are good for.
I was about to ask you what the first thing was.
Then my stomach rumbled.
They’re preparing to strip women from voting, like in the good ol’ times.
We’re not going to let that happen. I refuse to go backwards.
I refuse to go backward too, but they overuled Roe, which my aunties told me would NEVER happen. So just not going back isn’t enough. We have to move forward.
Well if early indicators are correct, not only will Kamala win, it’s possible to retake congress.
To state the obvious… Go Vote, bring your friends, every vote counts. Especially when it comes to down ballot.
Well if early indicators are correct, not only will Kamala win, it’s possible to retake congress.
Don’t do that. Don’t give me that kind of hope.
The Democrats will manage to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory, never fear.
God I’m so worried about this.
Like Trump will go through the predicable steps of election fraud as perpetrated in 2020, and Dems will say “oh fiddlesticks he tricked us, oh well”.
Don’t worry, even if dems grab a trifecta they still won’t undo enough damage for us to actually progress.
They’d need consistent wins for the next 50 years to undo the last 70 years of republican policies.
Depends on the margins. There’s a huge difference between a 50 seat senate win and a 56 seat senate win.
Even if they get in, they’ll undo very little and change even less unless it serves their corporate and billionaire owners.
The goal is to ensure Trump doesn’t win to make things worse, that doesn’t make the Dems a force for positive change.
And yet they’re still better than giving trump another 4 years.
It would be the sweetest nectar if a woman beat that misogynistic, rapey carnival barker.
A black woman.
One of my favorite anti-Trump signs said, “God kept Trump alive so he could lose to a black woman.”
Early voting is not an accurate prediction of the results of the whole electorate. Very different demographics.
I had to down vote you for providing me with hope which could lead to mental breakdown if it doesn’t occur. Thank you but no thank you.
I rather be on the edge and hope people do as well and go vote.
Here’s a harsh reminder that Trump is farther ahead in the polls than he was with Hillary at this same point in the election. The polls showed a landslide win for Hillary by this point, but that obviously didn’t happen. Now the polls show a much closer race for Kamala, which means (if the same thing happens again) then Trump has a very real shot at winning again.
Though to be fair, it looks like Kamala has learned from Hillary, and avoided the “we’ve got this, no problem, don’t even worry about it” attitude that Hillary had early on in the race. Hillary wanted to exude an air of confidence early on, like she had been working towards the presidential race for decades. That ended up being her downfall, because it meant a lot of democrats just fucking stayed home. Because if the person is saying not to worry about it, why do I need to bother voting? The issue is that when every person told themselves that same thing, it meant Hillary lost a lot of votes due to apathy. If you go back and look at her campaign, there was a very drastic shift in Hillary’s messaging a month or two before Election Day, when her team realized that democrat voters had become apathetic. It suddenly shifted from “we’ve got this” to “oh holy fuck please fucking please vote”
Here’s a harsh reminder that Trump is farther ahead in the polls than he was with Hillary at this same point in the election.
(X) Three things:
don’t fucking trust polls. They’re beyond biased at this point.
remember the daily death announcements during COVID? Remember how they got broken down demographically? Because the reds didn’t trust the vaccine, by the 3rd wave, R’s were losing voters at almost a rate of 3:1. And during that same time people were coming of age. Younger people tend to lean left. I can’t find the figures, so, grain of salt, but i recall it being at around 8000 or so a day. So, Maga is losing voters while Dems are gaining voters. Daily. Over an extended period of time…
just look at the rallies. If the race was as close as the polls claim, you’d have similar numbers of attendees for either candidate. But, we’re not seeing that, are we? Kamala is bringing in 75000. I heard the ellipses rally had 100k. What’s Trump getting? 7000? 9000? These numbers just don’t gel.
Now, I’m not saying this is locked down. Far from it. Go and fucking vote. It needs to be an absolute landslide, and we know maga will still bitch. But don’t trust the billionaire-owned corporate media, which has shown, time and time again, who their favorite is.
Like I said
We already have, babe. Bodily autonomy for us is no longer a guarantee.
Already happened /s
So I remember hearing in HS US history class that one of the arguments against women’s suffrage 100-odd years ago is that married men would now have 2 votes instead of one. This would disadvantage them against bachelors or widowers, who would of course not be able to dictate their nonexistent wives’ votes. Unmarried men would only have the one vote, which didn’t seem fair.
I guess the idea is not a new worry. It just seems like the fretting has reversed its polarity.
Voter suppression is their go-to, so they’ll outright ban various groups from voting if they are able to.
Ban non-whites, raise the voting age, require owning land.
The fact that they’re still married to these assholes is beyond me at this point.
I hope that the trend that young people have of not wanting to fuck Republicans hold because seriously, stop fucking Republicans by stop fucking Republicans.
You get into these things when you’re younger and it’s very hard to get out again later.
you get into these things when you’re younger.
What, chauvanistic conservativism?
Or anything else you can think of. Human behavior is stochastic. My real point is that people don’t recognize problems when they are younger–red flags from narcissistic behavior, for example. It’s easy to get into a relationship without realizing that the person you love will abuse you.
Right I was just joking. I’ve seen a lot of cases of this, not as pronounced as “husband loses his shit over wife’s vote” but def the situation where two young people fall in love, have kids, and then the guy becomes very conservative whereas the woman is like normal-conservative where maybe she doesn’t have all the right “takes” but she has a shred of common sense and maybe even decency to realize that women bleeding out in ERs due to complications from a miscarriage is not just cruel and pointless but unsustainable if certain theories of historical development are to be trusted.
I get it.
I wouldn’t say don’t fuck republicans, but do not marry one without a prenup because there is like a 90% chance they’ll go insane because they saw non-white bandaids on a shelf or something
They want to make contraception and abortions both illegal.
Dont fuck Republicans, it’ll have a very long tail if you do.
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Some numbers guy political consultant said “This is the best way to turn out votes in the last week of the election” and a bunch of campaigns believed it.
It’s all just consultant Voodoo. Whomever wins still have described the signs and rituals one must perform to become President, and then everyone else will try to do the same thing four years from now.
I mean he’s getting paid by a known moron. You could sell him glitter foundation and he would go out looking like a disco ball.
I live in Florida, and got a handwritten post card with the “Whether or not you voted” line. Felt oddly threatening. Stuff like this is why I vote early to avoid the attempted intimidation to sway my vote right.
Democrats are doing creepy stuff, too.
From the Center for Voter Information:
Dear xxxxxx,
Public records indicate that you are eligible to vote in the upcoming election on Tuesday, November 5, 2024. Remember, who you vote for is private, but whether or not you voted is public record.
We’re sending this mailing to you and your neighbors to share who does and does not vote in an effort to promote election participation. While we have hidden the name and street number of your neighbors to protect their privacy, these are their true voting records.
[table showing whether I and two of my neighbors voted on the last four elections.]
We will be reviewing these records after the election to determine whether or not you joined your neighbors in voting.
None of this is OK.
The center for voter information is not associated with democrats. They’re an apolitical non profit whose goal is to get more people voting.
And yes. They are creepy. But they’re not democrats.
I agree that’s a flyer like this could be worded a lot different to spread awareness without sounding threatening. They also send out mailers that tell candidates’ positions on topics that has been questionably factually in the past. Conversely I had received before the voting period a mailer listing all the judges of the county and their own statements, basically a consolidation of information, that was very helpful. It’s about knowing how far to go, and of course being truly non-partisan.
Conversely I had received before the voting period a mailer listing all the judges of the county and their own statements, basically a consolidation of information, that was very helpful.
I need this. I left the judges ones blank because IDK a thing about these people and you can’t find things about them online!
Look for local paper election guides online first. They will often go into the records of more obscure races.
How the fuck is that considered a threat?
Why isn’t it okay?
Goddammit, men. Why do you have to always make us all look bad?
Damned Scot’s! They ruined Scotland!
Like Republicans and Democrats
Or Republicans and Blacks
Or Republicans and Mexicans
Or Republicans and Muslims
Or Republicans and Immigrants
Or Republicans and Atheists
Or Republicans and Gays
Or Republicans and Trans
Or Republicans and Women
Or Republicans and Single Women
Or Republicans and Cat owners
Or Republicans and people Not Republican Enough!
I’m doing my best not to, and don’t think I have. Much, anyway?
If they’re scared to tell you they don’t like Donald trump, maybe you should reevaluate how you treat your wife and family. Jesus Christ
bro, people like us, we see our wives as actual people. it’s just not like that for them.
And become a beta cuck? No, thanks.
That sort of introspection seems so easy, at least in conceptual form, doesn’t it? I’m not saying it’s easy to change your attitudes and behaviors with the goal of becoming a better person but it takes a special kind of asshole to be unable to follow even the logic of your post without outside assistance. So many people live their lives that way and I honestly can’t fathom it. Most mentalities I can understand even if I can’t relate to them but that kind of narcissistic controlling behavior is so foreign to me that I can’t even begin to empathize with someone who thinks that way. I can’t put myself in those shoes because my brain won’t let me completely disregard other people.
Just to be clear, that doesn’t mean I’m perfect by any means. I’m an asshole on a fairly regular basis just like everyone. But god damn, how do you just not care at all about how your actions impact the people in your life?
Amen brother
I have a suggestion for the “men” who are mad that their wives now have agency
As much of a controversial term as it can be, this is why we need Feminism, with a capital F. Go wives! Do what you know you must! Do not let your husbands control you! Never go back!
Feminism is only controversial to reactionaries.
Everyone else thinks women should be equal members of society.
Wave that feminism flag!
If they think women are equal then who can they default to thinking their better than after a hard day? I guess there’s still minorities.
Doesn’t feminism basically boil down to “everyone should be equal”?
I think I agree with most everything RBG has said for example. Women should be anywhere decisions are made, etc. I struggle with her statement that it will only be enough when all the justices are women. I don’t think men should be excluded. I understand folks that are fine with the pendulum swinging that far, men have controlled women for as much of history as I have learned about. I would think a diverse representative body of justices that include men, women, along with disadvantaged groups (be it sexual orientation, gender, race, etc) would be the goal. I’m not smart like her, and she’s certainly more informed than I am on the topic, so I figure I don’t understand because everything else from her seems intuitively obvious and easy to follow for me.
I saw a man push his wheelchair bound wife up to the voting booth, then he pressed the buttons for her, then pushed her out of the way and entered his votes. The whole time the poll workers were just letting it happen.
Report that shit.
Surprised he didn’t just mail in her ballot
Just a heads up: Some people are actually physically unable to push the buttons and have someone else do it for them.
This lady could, and also that’s what the poll workers are for, not a spouse.
That kinda shit pisses me off. I get annoyed when the ER asks my wife if everything is okay at home while I’m standing there in the room with her. They really should make it policy that all parties except the patient and their healthcare providers exit the room before asking that question.
If that was my life circumstances and it was allowed I would push the buttons to cast her vote in whatever way she wanted even if it differed from how I was going to vote in my ballot. Pushing her aside isn’t a good look but maybe she told him ahead of time. I have my ballot printed and everything highlighted after researching local issues and candidates so I can just go in and vote without having to try interpreting everything on the spot at the booth. I guess I would like to naively believe that a husband and care taker would respect his spouse enough to honor her wishes at the booth. Wouldn’t be at all surprised if that wasn’t true though.
maga “men”
I don’t even think it works in ironic quotations. No man with any true virtue, decency, civility, and honor wants to rob women of their own agency. The concept makes me fucking sick to the core of my being. It is morally reprehensible, and unforgivable. It honestly gets me enraged.
I have lived through reagan, bush, clinton, bush ii, obama, trump and biden…i am frightened for the first time since Nighthorse-Campbell changed affiliation…are we ready to go through this again?
Anyone who lived through 9/11 and didn’t feel particularly frightened about what would happen next simply wasn’t paying attention
I was worried it might cause anti-foreigner hate that would snowball into the US becoming like Nazi Germany.
Thank goodness THAT didn’t happen!
…good and gentle soul…no words…i understand
Let’s hope!
Don’t let crazy stick its dick in you.
They are. Go find the others and be with them. Say, the South Pole?
Why would this be Happening if MAGA was Pro Women like they say?
Majority of white women went MAGA in 2016. So this might be a racism thing rather than sexism
Or those women voted as they were told to vote, but after seeing how that played out have realized the voting ballot is secret for a reason.
What are you talking about man. Obviously Trump loves women, he says he will protect them even if they don’t want protecting. Such a lovely person.