People are storming the streets and town halls, Elon is dissolving the whole country and Trump is busy tending Putin’s toes. Where the fuck are the democrats in all this crisis? It feels AOC is doing all the heavylifting while all the rest of them smug bunch are just watching with “told ya dis was gunn happen” drawn on their face.
Please tell me my ignorant ass is just blatantly wrong because I ain’t getting any news.
I’m not sure why this is directed solely towards democrats. They’re not the only ones affected by the change towards dictatorship.
-the better question is:
What is ANYONE doing to help?
Like who? The Republicans have bought into his death cult wholesale. Their god-emperor can do no wrong.
deleted by creator
They have slowed some appointments in House committees.
The Senate Democrats have stayed late to filibuster nominations
Democrats have an upcoming opportunity to refuse to pass a budget with the trillion dollar tax cuts that Musk and other billionaire are trying to somehow justify with every fibre of their being. This means that everyone in the House (including purple state Republicans) have to be in lock step, even 2-3 R-defectors will mean it doesn’t pass.
Democrats have been proposing amendments left and right, into the night… House members have suggested excluding people with wealth over $10M, $100M and $500M, all voted down. Senators like Andy Kim for example, have put on their Instagram pages, what they are trying to do.
Congresspeople are doing their job harder than they ever thought they would have to, but we should expect more.
I do think all the Democrats, should take more opportunities to visit their states to make people aware of what’s going on, what they’re doing in Congress to try to stop the worst stuff happening, and what ordinary people can do to push back as well. I think members should also boost each others message because probably pages like AOC’s have a lot more viewers from a district than their own district’s House Rep.
I do think all the Democrats, should take more opportunities to visit their states to make people aware of what’s going on, what they’re doing in Congress to try to stop the worst stuff happening, and what ordinary people can do to push back as well. I think members should also boost each others message because probably pages like AOC’s have a lot more viewers from a district than their own district’s House Rep.
Good they are doing some legislative opposition, but you’re right they need to be doing more to push back outside of congress.
I’ve wondered if the they started buying ads on mobile games with a quick few lines to tell people what they have done or what the republicans are doing would work?
you by-pass large media, you get a younger audience and it gets a message out there quickly.
Perhaps a better question is, “What are you doing to help?”.
Supporting a national strike, canceling Amazon, leaving FB, might be a good start. Contacting you representative who doesn’t represent you seems to be futile. Maybe flash protests?Certainly, maybe you can make a new AskLemmy post for that.
Well, they certainly didn’t help by running a candidate that got destroyed in the only primary she ran in. I’m hoping they will step up and run some solid candidates next round. It’s fucking embarrassing they lost to Trump…twice.
Based off their reactions to every thing that’s being going on it seems to me that they have learned absolutely nothing.
If the 2028 election was happening tomorrow I think the Democrats would lose again.
They’re already posturing Pete Buttigege to be their next chosen one. I wonder if the dems will even bother with primaries this time around.
Pete Buttigege
Jesus christ. And when he bombs they’ll go, “everyone wanted a younger candidate!”
when he bombs they’ll go, “everyone wanted a younger candidate!”
The worlds on fire and they’re worried about the color of the wallpaper.
If the 2028 election was happening tomorrow I think the Democrats would lose again.
Absolutely. They’d probably try to court Mitt Romney to run under their ticket.
Nothing. Democrats are fucking useless. They have no power now because they blew the election in every single way possible. They did literally everything wrong. It was almost as if they tried to lose on purpose.
People always try to claim I’m an asshole for saying democrats are just republicans other division.
They try to claim I’m saying bOtH SiDeS. No. I’m saying there aren’t two sides. There’s republicans, and republicans disguised as democrats. Just there to give the illusion of choice. You don’t have choice. You have corporate masters who own the media, who decide what news you see, they own the land, they own the companies. The republicans are there to be the ticketmaster, and take all the blame. The democrats are there to be the band performing at the local concert hall. To give the illusion of hope.
Well besides Pearl Jam, and maybe a handful of others, every band likes ticketmaster. They get to raise their prices, ticketmaster takes the heat, and the customers still pay. It’s like pro wrestling. The good guy and the bad guy are fake fighting in the ring as a showcase of the battle for all to see on a public stage. Then they go back to the dressing room, and they’re buddies. Once they’re out of public eye, the good guys and bad guys are all the same. Sharing family photos, having a beer. All part of the same system.
Just look at the country. Democrats take one step forward, three steps to the side, and then republicans push them back three steps. Gradually over the coarse of time republicans make advancements in their agenda, and it holds. All of the democrats advancements get erased a few years later. We’re still living with NIXONS signed bills. We don’t even have most of Obamas signed bills anymore.
And its because they were never meant to last. The democrats give hope, and a few years later after nobody is looking, republicans cancel it. Meanwhile republicans sign a bill and it’s there forever. And yet…no serious 3rd party has ever come about. There’s never been a 3rd party in my lifetime that anyone (who wasn’t an oblivious baffoon) ever thought had a serious shot at winning. It’s all the same system. Just like pro wrestlers are all working for the same system, politics is all the same rigged system. It’s all owned by corporations, and big money interests. Your vote means nothing. Regardless of if your guy won.
Your vote means nothing
I was with you until this, and maybe this is what people take issue with. Our vote fucking DOES mean something because if more folks voted against Trump, things would be a LOT less terrible.
They would still be unacceptably shitty though, no argument there, and I’ve been trying to show people for a long time myself that “Dems & Repubs vs. us” is a much more accurate description of the conflict than “us dems vs. us repubs”.
Even so, our vote matters a fucking lot when the Republican half of the regime is doing this kind of damage. I can’t really imagine anyone coherently arguing otherwise unless they are also arguing for immediate armed revolution. Voting matters, more of it would help with the far-reaching horrible outcomes of this administration in particular.
They’ve been doing as much as they can, such as stalling votes and filing lawsuits. They have literally no power, so there isn’t much they can do short of committing violence.
HOWEVER, one thing they could be doing is more attention-grabbing stunts. The octogenarians in party leadership don’t understand that attention is the most valuable commodity these days. If they formed a human shield to block people getting into the Senate chambers to further delay Trump’s nominees, they’d get heaps of attention and far fewer people would be asking what they’re doing to stop the fascist takeover. At least their objections would be visibly plastered all over TV and social media rather than confined to the vote tallies in the Senate.
Down the road, when (or if) Trump needs to have actual legislation passed, he’s going to have a major problem in the House. The House Republican caucus can’t agree on what to order for lunch, so they’ll likely need Democratic votes to get any legislation passed. This is the only area where Dems have a modicum of power.
Stop looking left and right and start looking up and down. This is a class war! The rest is distraction to divide us.
Nah, look to the left. Vote green or communist.
Fuck the greens. They were note concerned with keeping kamala out than minimizing harm to voters.
Kamela is a genocide supporter.
Vote when? In another four years?
Ain’t nobody got time for that!
I mean, they DID tell you dis was gunn happen. Twice.
Spent four years drilling “but her emails” into your thick skulls and then you did it again because egg prizes or Gaza or Cheney or whatever.
Takes balls to sit out the rise of fascism, but let’s be honest, it’s not undeserved.
Biden DID say he was not going to run a 2nd time. Biden broke many promises, gaslit voters on Gaza, and was a televised corpse at the debate. trump is fucking terrible but Biden slow walked it back to trump by not giving another candidate enough time to run a campaign. It takes balls to think Biden could stand up against fascism when he can’t even stand up to genocide. This is deserved, but the voters never had a chance.
What in the absolute hell does that even mean? How does that work? There was an election, there were two candidates, one was Trump. There WAS a chance. An obvious choice, at that.
Should Biden not have run in the first place? Obviously. Whether his approach to Gaza would have change anything is debatable (he’d have been crucified regardless), but let’s say it would.
It wasn’t Biden who had to “stand up against fascism”. It was the electorate. And they didn’t. You talk about it like it was not their choice, like it was an oopsie inflicted upon them by evil Dems and not a choice they made. They continue to make, in fact. That is insane.
As democracy gets eroded I will be more likely to cut them some slack, but as of now? Anybody that didn’t vote for Harris is a collaborationist.
“Deserved” is a bit loaded. Americans are exceptionally stupid and ill-informed, but that applies to our elected leaders, as well.
Does someone who is easily manipulated deserve to be manipulated? If so, isn’t that precisely the form of myopic conservativism that has overrun the right wing? Government for the people, by the people, is intended to protect all the people and enshrine our rights. Protecting victims from predators ought to be a primary function of law, and if you don’t believe that, then yeah you deserve the leadership we got.
Democrats only have the power that you give them. When Trump lost an election, his followers ransacked the Capital. When Pelosi opposed Republicans, her husband got his face smashed in.
What exactly do you expect AOC to do?
Start organizing. Which she, at least, is.
The neolibs?
Organizing what? She did as much as humanly possible in the last election but the country voted for Trump.
Oh wow, a slight majority voted against neoliberalism.
Better bend over and take it forever.
It turns out that when you take all of the power to do anything away from someone, they can’t do anything 🤷♂️ who could have possibly seen this coming?
Conservative parties have frequently been the minority party but have consistently been able to obstruct, block, and fight against progress because they fight dirty. The Democratic party has always been the party of “we can’t sink to their level” or the “at least we aren’t the Republicans” party. If they were willing to be aggressive at all, we would still have Roe, minimum wage would be higher, and green energy would be the norm. However, the Democratic party has been content to be the party of not rocking the boat, or the party of the status quo, rather than the party of Republicans and Democrats have worked together to give rise to these freaks.
If the Democrats had any guts, they’d revolt against their leadership and re-organize into a new far more aggressive left-leaning party. But they don’t have any guts, so that won’t happen. Maybe the new DNC chair can channel our anger into change?
they’d revolt against their leadership and re-organize into a new far more aggressive left-leaning party
This is literally what we’ve been trying to do through primaries that no one will show up to. We can talk about the need for a progressive party all we want, but a good chunk of the reason the Democrats are the way they are is because centrist Democrats show up to vote in the primaries. Progressives do not.
Democrats have shown time and time again that they don’t give a shit what voters think which is why they keep losing elections. Biden and Harris wouldn’t even turn their back on Netanyahu even when it meant Trump would get reelected as all tbe polling showed. Progressives don’t bother with it because they’ll be ignored either way and you can only be ignored so many times before giving up on them listening. Blaming the voters for the actions of the party is just giving them cover for their ineptitude. Voters don’t decide their policy.
At this point they do little else than act as controlled opposition for the Republican party, so this is just our reality for the foreseeable future. Maybe if the leadership gets ousted, we’ll have a chance but it looks more like a new party will need to be formed and the Democrats go the way of the Whigs.
And progressives have shown they won’t show up to contest and defend elections outside of a few seats. They won’t invest in downballot races in case they lose the main race.
Progressives don’t bother with it because they’ll be ignored either way and you can only be ignored so many times before giving up on them listening.
Unless your contention is that the DNC has literally been changing/destroying primary votes, we simply have never shown up in the numbers needed to make the necessary changes in leadership. “Centrists” have, and they continue to do so. Sitting out does absolutely nothing to advance progressive causes inside or outside of the party.
As if voter turnout is the end-all-be-all metric for determining what people want. The DNC got up to quite a bit of fuckery in both 2016 and 2024. They had no issue sidelining Bernie from debates and news coverage, creating super delegates, and just plainly putting their thumb on the scales. In 2024, we didn’t even get a primary because old Joe went back on his “one term” promise and ran against every sane person’s advice, dropped out, and then a new equally unappealing candidate was hand picked for us. Who gives a shit what most centrists want when it’s clear that all they’re doing is choosing the “safe bet.” It’s no different from the person whose favorite music is whatever they’re currently playing on the radio. These people aren’t choosing anything. They’re just doing what they’re told.
Sitting out does absolutely nothing to advance progressive causes inside or outside of the party.
So does losing election after election because the DNC keeps backing the absolute worst candidates.
They’re not a party on the left. Its not a question of guts. Why would a party in the right who is captured by corporations form a left party? That goes against their intentions
Reorganizing. That’ll stop Trump!
They’re busy with strongly worded letters, no doubt.
While at night getting paid by corporations to do their bidding?
Not owning a branch of government has never stopped republicans. They would rather get dragged out kicking and screaming. Democratic politicians have largely abandoned their voting base and claim their hands are tied and there’s nothing they can do, because they are too used to being able to just skate on through without much experience fighting from a disadvantage.
They can do things like organizing their voter base to fight back in constructive ways and pass local legislation, unify the party on voting for certain politicians, inform their voters about special elections, bills and places they can help out, push a more populist and or progressive agenda, and stop fucking abandoning and lying to their own voter base. They need to be willing to physically lead their constituents
Republicans are so cohesively brainwashed because the republicans have been targeting media and disinformation for decades. They organize extremely well at the local level, and are willing to do almost anything for power.
The democrats need to show equal fervor for defending democracy and they’ve just been cowards so far, telling people to just vote and tell their family to vote democrats, essentially telling us, “we cant do anything so its your problem and responsibility now”
ETA: democrats had 4 years to plan and time to come up with a response to Project 2025. Its weird to me everyone just took “oh its not trumps plan” at face value.
Isn’t the better question, what can they do? I’m not saying Democrats aren’t without fault in all of this, but now that the US has jumped the democracy shark, I’m not sure there’s much anyone can do to put this shitty little genie back in the bottle. Short of House and Senate republicans having a coming to Jesus moment, I think we’re all on board the autocracy train for the duration.
I don’t think it’s unreasonable to demand from your politicians to do something. The onus definitely isn’t on us to have a 10 point plan on stopping authoritarianism. And they should definitely be able to do more than just finger wagging.
How about try? Maybe even get off the couch? Oh, what if they came out and actually didn’t help Trump get his picks approved?
Republicans always manage to gum up the works, yet Democrats can’t seem to bring themselves to even try.
Almost like they know their donators loves Trump’s tax cuts and his policies…
And why Biden didn’t undo any of the major ones
The american voters gave republicans the presidency, the senate and the house.
They also got control of the SCOTUS so the democrats don’t have many options right now.
Hopefully the people smarten up for the 2026 midterms and actually vote.
Exactly. What specifically are the democrats to do at this point?
Literally even a single thing at all would be nice
Pretend they are Republicans and start breaking the rules.
More emails asking for donations? Have we tried this? Man I’m stumped
- delay as much as possible in the Senate:
- use local government to resist the federal government:
Centrists will ignore this and keep acting powerless.
Not only that, but Trump spent the last 8 years purging the republican party of disloyalist. The first term Trump met resistance by his own party. This time anyone left who would resist him is gone and anyone who wants to will just be removed shortly after.